“Hello there,” Kelly murmured throatily, already petting his chest and shoulders. “Howrich?”
I stifled my laugh as a thick green arm wrapped around my middle, picking me up and carrying me backward, away from the happy new couple.
I watched Kelly flirting with Geoffrey and nodded in satisfaction. I was ready to go back to flirting withmymale.
Luckily, we didn’t go too far before he set me down with a little huff and spun me around to face him. I grinned up at him.
“What are you thinking about?” His tone was still suspicious.
Stifling my giggle, I wrapped my arms around his middle. “I was just thinking that we should be rewarded for doing our good deed for the day.”
“For the day?” He snorted, pulling me against him and settling me in his hold. “More like for the year. ‘S a good deed for the whole damnisland, hooking those two up.”
“You might be right,” I murmured, pressing myself up on my toes. “So, how about that reward?”
I saw his lips twitch as he lowered his mouth to mine…
His phone rang when our lips were a whisper apart.
“Fuuuuuck,” he groaned, dropping his head.
Giggling, I squirmed in his hold. “Memnon, your pants are ringing.”
Cursing under his breath, he untangled himself and reached for his back pocket. “Simbel,” he growled when he saw the caller’s name. He punched the green answer button and barked, “What?”into the phone.
His brother must’ve launched into a monologue, but Memnon shook his head, his expression suddenly serious.
“What? Whoa, slow down.” He pulled the phone away from his ear and hit the speaker button. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“Did Sakkara call you?” Simbel panted, as if he were running. “Did he tell you what he did?”
His panic was beginning to affect me, and I clamped down on Memnon’s forearm, unconsciously leaning toward the phone, as if that would help.
My Mate glanced at me. “No,” he told his brother. “We haven’t heard anything. What’s going on?” he snapped.
“They’re here,” his brother wheezed. “He didn’t tell any of us he was looking for them, but he got them here. I’m on my way to his place now.”
“Who did what? Sakkara?” Memnon exchanged a worried look with me. “Who is at his place?”
“More orcs, Memnon,” blurted his brother. “Pay attention, for crying out loud!”
I saw my Mate’s eyes widen, his lips form the wordsmore orcs, but no sound emerged.
Leaning closer to the phone, I all but yelled, “Simbel, it’s Maya. What do you mean,more orcs? Who are they?”
There was the sound of heavy breathing on the other end, and then—strangely—Simbel began to laugh. I glanced up at Memnon, worried, as his brother continued to laugh.
“Simbel!” snapped Memnon. “Who are they?”
“Our brothers!” laughed Simbel joyfully. “Sakkara found them! They’re here on Eastshore!”
I sighed happilyas my Mate’s strong fingers wove through my hair. She was tying beads into a few small braids, the way she did each Sunday. She said it reminded her of her childhood, and since it remindedmeofmyhome, I couldn’t object.
Out in the salt marsh, a heron picked its way through the rising tide, looking for periwinkles and finger mullet.