When he shrugged, I had to brace myself so I wouldn’t roll away. “My ancestors knew many kinds of love. To you, to a Mate, a male would say,I know your heart.Tlak’dkam.”

I did my best to repeat the words.

And his smile? Hisrealsmile, the one that lit his face and told me he appreciated my attempt? It made me vow to practice the phrase.


A few weeks ago, Memnon was just the guy living upstairs. And here I was, learning another language and…what? Making vows offoreverto him?


But this? What we were sharing? It wasright.

But of course, it couldn’t last.

A buzzing sound came from behind us, then again. I twisted in his hold, and realized it was his jeans making the noise. “Your phone?” I guessed.

Memnon merely groaned faintly and dropped his head back to the grass. “Just ignore it.”

“Ignore it?” I pushed off from him to scramble through his pockets. “It could be important.”

“It’s not.”

When he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back, I couldn’t help the little squawk of protest. “How do youknow?” I smacked his shoulder as he nuzzled at my neck.

“Because I know who it is, and I don’t want anything to do with her.”

I stiffened. “Her?” I blurted involuntarily.

When he sighed, it ruffled my hair. “Kelly Willis,” he mumbled against me. “Simbel must’ve given her my number, because shewon’t stoptexting me to set up a meeting.”

Oh yes. Ro had told me all about it—I guess she got it from Jess. I relaxed and felt a smirk building.

“She’s not trying tomeetwith you, Memnon. She wants adate.” I wriggled on top of him, not at all ashamed to gloat in our nakedness. “I heard she wanted your brother, but you were just as good.”

“She told me I was almost as handsome,” he grumped.

Giggling, I dragged my fingers through his hair. “Then she’s blind, I’m sorry to say.”

The phone buzzed again, and something rumbled deep in Memnon’s chest. With one smooth movement, he rolled us over until he was looming over me.

“Shouldn’t you get that?” I asked, all innocence.

“Maya, I just finished claiming my Mate. MyKteeris finally at peace, and all is right in the world.” He lowered his lips to the honeysuckle tattoo on my shoulder. “Why in all the hells would I fuck that up by texting another woman?”

Humming, I wrapped my arms around him. “I suppose so.”

Then his mouth found my breast, and I arched against him.

Yes. Yes, he was right. Everything was perfect in the world.

Chapter Thirteen


It had felt so damnfittingto claim Maya for the first time out in the middle of the fresh air and sunshine. And that afternoon, with the smell of her mixing with the scents of crushed grass and salt water, I’d vowed to make an offer on the Gary property.

By the time we both strolled back to the apartment, I was feeling more at peace. Not completely sated—I don’t think I’d ever have enough of my Mate—but calmer at least. MyKteerhad quit its incessant, annoying howling.