Poor guy.

I was feeling quite sorry for him when we reached the little bank over the river. The fallen tree was our favorite place to sit, so we settled on the grass with our backs to it to gaze out over the water and marsh.

It was high tide today, which meant there was less life visible, but the view was prettier. Sighing, I rested my temple against his bicep, my hand falling to his right thigh.

“Better?” he murmured.

Itdidfeel better to be here, surrounded by so much life and calmness…but something was still off.Memnonwasn’t relaxed. A few weeks ago, I would have thought it impossible to be so attuned to someone else that their moods would affect mine, but here we were.

Humming, I squeezed the tight muscle of his thigh, thinking of how much it must’ve hurt to walk this distance. He let out a breath as I did so, and when I began to knead the tightness, he actually groaned and dropped his head back.

“Better?” I echoed him.

“Feels good,” he grunted.

“Hmmm.” I shifted so I could use both my hands to rub his right thigh. “You’ve been working so hard.”Hardwas the key word there; I could see the outline of his cock pushing against the inside of his jeans. “A few weeks ago, your poor leg was just about handling the back staircase.” I remembered the night I surprised him, and how his voice had been tight with pain. “And now I’m making you work long days.”

“’S okay.” His eyes were closed, his jaw slack. I took that to mean he liked what I was doing. “’S good for…therapy.”

I hummed again. It was impossible to deny hewasmoving better than he’d been weeks ago, but there was still something off about him.

Maybe it was the way his eyes flared green almost constantly these days, or how he seemed on edge. Or the way I sometimes caught him watching me, wearing an almost feral, desperate expression.

I wanted him, and he wanted me, judging from the bulge in his jeans. How many times over the last week had I tried to touch him, only for him to pull away and focus onmypleasure?

Well, today was going to be all abouthim.

Here we were, surrounded by beauty and peace, and I wanted to make him feel good.

I pushed myself up on my knees and faced him completely, so I could really lean into the massage I was giving him. But…

“These jeans are in the way.” When he made a little inquisitive sound without opening his eyes, I elaborated. “I can’t really get to the muscle with you wearing these jeans.”

He didn’t answer, but his hands dropped to his belt, then his fly. He had to lean first in one direction, then the other, but he wriggled out of them after kicking off his shoes.

Now he sat in the grass wearing only his t-shirt and a pair of boxers that did nothing to hide his erection and watched me with an intense stare.

Wondering what I was going to do next?

Well, I was going to pretend nonchalance, that’s what I was going to do next.

I leaned back over him, kneading the muscles with my thumbs and the base of my palms, trying to loosen the tightness…until he groaned again and closed his eyes.

Allowing myself a little grin, I climbed my hands higher on his thigh, until the tips of my fingers were brushing against the length of the bulge in his boxers. When he sucked in a breath, his eyes flashing open once more, I pretended like I was focused on the massage, and hadn’t even realized what had happened.

But that didn’t stop it from happening again. And again.

When his cock jumped, I smiled, knowing I was teasing him, and squeezed my own thighs together to try to ease the ache in my core.

“Maya,” he growled.

I arranged my expression into one of innocence and shot him a glance. “Yes?”

He was scowling at me, but I could see something else in those green depths. “Remember what I said about orc’s senses?”

My breath caught. “You said…you could tell when I was horny.”

His chin lowered, as did his lids, in a lazy sort of acknowledgement. He wasteasingme?