But by the time we reached the lower landing and slid out the back door into the alley, I realized she wasn’t objecting. In fact, she was flushing, but with a pleased smile on her lips.


See? Telling her you’re her Mate is going to be easy.

Easy? No. But it had to be done.

And once I told her about the wholewe belong togetherthing, I was going to have to admit I’d been lying to her.

As usual, the two of us slid into an easy silence as we walked. I liked that neither of us were big on chatter, but when we did have discussions, they were meaningful. I liked that wegotone another and didn’t feel the need to pretend to be someone else.

By unspoken agreement, we turned away from the park and headed toward the north side of the island. Maybe we were just tired of seeing the same space every day for six straight days, or maybe she—like me—just wanted to get lost in the serenity of the nature reserve again.

“Oh, did I tell you?” Maya suddenly blurted. “Sami Shayson—you know, the realtor? She told me someone has been asking about the Gary property!”

Oh yeah.

I hid my wince.

It had been a hell of a week, and I’d forgotten I’d reached out to the lady who had helped me buy the row building on Main to ask about the piece of paradise Maya had shown me.

I hadn’t decided if I wanted to buy it yet—I told myself Iwouldtalk to her about it before I made that decision—but I just wanted some information on it. Maybe I should have mentioned it before I started asking? I dunno, I was used to doing things on my own, and it was strange to realized Iwantedher opinion on my future.

Because you want her to be part of your future, idiot.

Want? No, she was my Mate. Ineededher to be part of my future. And I needed to explain this to her.

Luckily, Maya hadn’t noticed I’d failed to answer her.

Maya sighed, her hand tightening around mine. “I’m bummed that someone else will have it soon. I hope they treat it properly, but I’m going to miss just sitting along the creek.”

I wasn’t sure if I was going to buy the property—and I wasn’t sure what Maya would say if I told her I wanted to—so I just jerked my chin in that direction. “Then let’s go there now.”

Chapter Twelve


Normally the naturereserve calmed me, but today? My soul wasn’t at peace, and I wasn’t sure why. I suspected it had something to do with the silent male at my side.

Something was bothering him, and I didn’t know how to ask him what it was.

He’d practically pulled me from his apartment, but as we walked, his strides had slowed, then began to stutter as his limp became more pronounced.

I glanced up to see his lips tight, his brows drawn in.

Could it just be that he was in pain? My heart ached for him.

Since the shop was closed on Sundays, I’d become used to taking that day off, and I’d unconsciously fallen into that routine in the last two weeks. Had I been working Memnon too hard?

We reached the preserve—the walkway looked great—but we both turned toward the little deer path that would lead us to the creek on the Gary property.

When I glanced at him, Memnon shrugged. “I’ve had enough of the saw grass.”

Ah. “You have to admit, it looks good lining the walkway like that,” I offered, as I followed him to duck beneath a live oak’s bent branches. “But I don’t blame you wanting to avoid it for a bit. Maybe I should have chosen a different plant…”

“It’s perfect there,” he assured me without looking back, his large hand enveloping mine. “Native grasses and flowers, remember? I just don’t need to see it for a few weeks.”

Hehadgotten rather badly cut up when he fell, didn’t he?