Or used to.

The back alleyway behind my shop didn’t get any sun, so I’d moved my herbs to the front window ofThe Garden Shop, so at least they acted as advertisements. Sorta.

What kind of person, walking down Main Street, would stop and say,“Wow, look at the size of that mint and lavender! This store must really have it going on!”

Besides me, I mean.

The bell over the front door rang, and I lifted my head, settling my expression into a welcoming smile.

“Morning, Maya!” called out my favorite customer. How could Inotlove someone named Rosemary, even if she calls herself Ro? Ro stops inThe Garden Shopeach Monday morning to buy herself flowers for her classroom. And not roses, but interesting, exciting arrangements. About a year ago, she’d given me carte blanche when it came to choosing flowers, and I adored pushing my creativity to create beautiful combinations for her.

Who wouldn’t love a woman who buys herself flowers?

Today, however, was a Saturday, and she was here to pick up something even more exciting. At least,Ithought it was more exciting, because of what it represented. The four huge azaleas in my back room were for her back garden, and one of the first orders for my new landscaping business.

I’d sacrificed a lot to make sure it wouldn’t be my last.

She bounced down the center aisle, her cheery smile matching the yellow dress I knew she’d made.Made! As if she wasn’t cool enough already, she paid super-close attention to clothing trends and sewed a lot of her own stuff and always looked amazing.

“So, what had you looking so thoughtful?” she demanded.

I blinked and glanced around. Had Ro been spying on me? “What do you mean?”

“I stopped to admire your mint and lavender and saw you staring down at your mug like it had the answers to life, universe, and everything.”

Ha! This is why RoRo was my best friend. She was also the type of person who would stop to admire herbs in a window. I smiled, although I knew it wasn’t the brightest.

“Just tired. I was contemplating making myself a drink with caffeine. I think black tea has more caffeine in it than coffee, doesn’t it?”

Ro planted her elbows on my counter and leaned over it. “Does it? If it does, I’m going to start drinking it. I wonder if I could mix it with coffee?”

“Like hot water and a tea bag, then you pour coffee in there?” I wrinkled my nose. “That sounds disgusting.”

“Yep, but it would keep me awake. Do you know how exhausting a class full of ten-year-olds can be? Especially after lunch when I’m full of carbs?”

As the teacher for the combined third and fourth grade classrooms at Eastshore Isle Elementary, Ro had her hands full. But…

I planted one hand on my hip and faked a stern look. “You wouldn’t be so tired if you didn’t stay up till midnight reading.”

“Oh, that reminds me!” Ignoring my censure, Ro dug around in the bag at her hip. “I finished another one.” She plopped the paperback on the counter and pushed it toward me. “Elves. A human girl with new powers, saving the world yadda-yadda, get this: She’s powered by orgasms.”

Well, color me intrigued.

I couldn’t give Ro grief about reading when she passed all the best books to me.

I picked up the book and flipped it over to read the blurb. “How many peens?”

She snorted. “The standard one. But there are a few different guys.”

Hmmm acceptable. “I mean, obviously I’m going to read it.” I slid it under the counter. “I’m just in my monster fudger era right now. I like them…interesting.”

Ro straightened, a smirk turning her plump lips positively naughty. “Interesting? Like guys with two peens, or it vibrates, or it has?—”

“Ridges.” I had a toy I was particularly fond of.

My friend waggled her brows. “Like orc cock? Maya Locklear, are you a fan of the orc cock?”

Oh shit, I’d walked into that one, huh?