I had to swallow to make my throat work. “Please, Memnon,” I rasped. “Please make me feel good.”

Almost before the words were out of my mouth, I felt his fingertip digging against my skin. No, not his fingertip, hisclaw! I sucked in a breath, but before I could react further, he sliced through the gusset of my panties.

When cool spring air hit my wet pussy, I arched my back in surprise and outrage and a hell of a lot of arousal. “Memn—” I managed, before he lifted me off his shoulder, and I bit down on a squeak of surprise.

I expected him to put me and my now-half-naked-ass down, but instead, he just swung me over his head, looping one of my legs over his shoulder until I was…until I wassitting on his face! While he was standing upright.

It was outrageous. It was ridiculous.

When he held my ass in place, and dragged his tongue along my cleft?

It was oh so right.

I curled forward, wrapped around his face and head, my fingers desperately digging into that glorious hair, although I knew he wouldn’t let me fall. And Memnon…

He worshipped me. With his mouth.

His tongue, dear God, his tongue! Ridged and thick, just like my dildo, butsomuch better! He slid it inside me, pressing his mouth to my opening, and when he hummed, I jolted against him, certain I could feel it through my entire body.

He moved his hands lower, so I was practically sitting on them, which allowed his littlest fingers to hold my folds apart so he could lavish attention on all parts of me. He even lifted me higher so he could slide his tongue along my entire cleft to my clitoris.

And before I could be embarrassed bythat, he closed his lips around my clit andsucked, and I nearly erupted right then.

“Memnon,” I groaned. “Oh God.”

I felt his lips curl, but he made no response, except an obscene sort of slurp as he went back to work on me. I curled my legs around his shoulders and held on tightly as he showed me what a male with his tongue and his strength could do.

In no time, I was practically humping his face, crying out whenever his thick tongue filled me. I knew I was dripping all over him, but from the slurping noises he was making, it wasn’t a bad thing. I wanted to come so badly…Ineededto come.

And then he slid his tongue as deep as it would go and nuzzled my clit with his nose. His tusks scraped my folds, and that was all I needed. My pleasure burst over me and despite my efforts to keep quiet, I could only muffle my cries against his hair.

My inner muscles were still spasming as he slowly withdrew and licked me again, causing me to lurch against him, the touch startling on my too-sensitive skin. I felt him grin again, then he was gently untangling me, lowering me…

His hands were on my waist, and he lowered me until we were eye-to-eye. I assumed I was staring, shocked, overwhelmed…but his lips twitched upward on one side, and that gray ridged tongue darted out to collect all of my spend.

I shuddered, then threw my arms around him and kissed him.

He gathered me close, and I felt him stumble.Nowhe stumbled?

Good thing he didn’t do it, oh, about three minutes ago.

We ended up sitting on the dune, me practically in his lap. I wasn’t done with him, but I think I was still too awed by what had just happened. That display of strength, of caring…and he’d done it forme.


My cheek was pressed to his chest, listening to his heart beating, and his arms were holding me tightly.

“Memnon?” I whispered. He hummed. I swallowed, then pressed on… “Why would you…” No, that wasn’t what I wanted to ask. “You seemed so angry.”

A pause, then he shuddered just once. I pulled away to stare up at his profile, his hard jaw.

“That asshole bid on you,” he finally growled. “Not on your landscaping talents, but onyou. I didn’t want him to have you.”

So he’d bid on me? My lips curled gently. “I didn’t want him to win either. Thank you for bidding on me—or rather, on my landscaping services.”

His gaze suddenly pierced me very seriously. The green was still there, but not as vivid as before. “I wonyou, Maya. For that moment, you weremine. I…reacted poorly.”

Was he apologizing for what he just did? I allowed my smile to grow and stroked his arm. “I enjoyed your reaction. You can get possessive again anytime you want.”