I turned back to the stage, where Karnak’s Mate, Jess, was welcoming everyone to the auction. I guess that’s why he was here in the audience.

“No,” I whispered, admitting the truth to myself at least.

Maya wasmyMate. I hadn’t realized it until today. Until I saw so many of my clanmates with their Mates. Until I realized what this itchy, unfinished feeling in my chest was.



I knew from the way myKteerhowled with glee that this was right and true. Maya was mine. And I wasn’t sure what to do about it.

“We’re going to kick the auction off with a special service from Ms. Kelly Willis, Eastshore High’s gym teacher!” At Jess’s introduction, a buxom blonde in a high ponytail, short shorts, and a revealing tank top bounced out on stage, waving and cheering.

The answering hoots from the audience’s males made it clear what sort ofservicethey were expecting. The woman did nothing to discourage them, waving and winking and smiling as ifshewas on sale.

Jess was saying something about a work-out partner, but the yells from the audience were too loud, and I didn’t really care. I stood there, arms crossed, frowning at nothing, until I suddenly recognized one of the last two voices in the bidding war.

“Three hundred fifty!” yelled the other man, but I was already twisting, looking for my brother.

Sure enough, there was Simbel, with Rissa on his arm, yelling out, “Three-seventy-five!”

What the fuck? At my side, Karnak muttered, “He’s bidding onherwith his Mate right there?”

Even odder was when the other male called out, “Four hundred,” Rissa pressed on her toes to whisper something in Simbel’s ear. His lips split into a grin, and he confidentially called out, “Five hundred!”

Why in the hell would Simbel bid on another female with his Mate’s approval? Especially one as overtly sexual as the blondeon stage, who was now jumping up and down and clapping with glee, clearly pleased that her service was “bought” by Simbel.

Disgusted, I looked away, wondering how my twin brother could have his priorities so screwed up.

Jess was already announcing the next item, a massage package from the spa, but I tuned her out. While myKteerwas urging me to find Maya, my mind and heart told me to go slap some sense into Simbel.

Luckily, they came to me.

Karnak muttered, “Uh-oh,” and I turned to see Simbel strutting toward me, looking proud. On one arm clung Ms. Kelly Willis, the bouncy blonde gym teacher. Rissa was holding his other hand, looking remarkably amused.

“Simbel,” I growled in warning, but the idiot ignored me, as usual.

“Memnon, meet Kelly.” He thrust her toward me. “I bought her for you.”

All of us reared back in shock, except for Kelly, who latched onto my arm. “Oh, silly, that sounds so primitive!” Her voice lowered an octave as she traced her fingers up my bicep. “Of course, I like primitive.”

I swung an incredulous glare at my twin, who was moments from laughing. “Kelly was offering her services as a workout coach, Memnon. I know you hate physical therapy, but working out—and having someone to hold you accountable—is just what you need!”

As Karnak made a little muffled sound of laughter, I reined in the impulse to shake off the blonde and tackle my brother. Forone thing, his Mate was here. For another, with my bum leg, I could no longer be sure of coming out on top.

Instead, I growled, “I don’t need a workout coach.”

The blonde tittered a laugh as if I’d said something truly funny. “I can tell you’re clearly into fitness, just like I am! I wanted Simbel, but…” She pouted out her lower lip in what was clearly meant to be an appealing manner as she stroked my arm again. “You look exactly like him, and I think you’re even buffer!”


Disgusted, I grimaced and turned to say whatever I needed to get her off me…when Jess’s words from the stage cut through my anger.

“Next up is something exciting from Eastshore’s newest company, the landscaping arm ofThe Garden Shop!” Sure enough, my Maya was climbing up on stage beside Jess, offering a shy little wave in that cheerful yellow sundress before tucking herself uncertainly next to the other woman.

“What issheoffering?” huffed Kelly.

Unable to stand her any longer, I shook off the blonde woman and stepped toward the stage just as Jess explained: “Maybe you have a garden that needs some love, or a front walkway that needs an overhaul. Jess’s landscaping service is willing to take on any job for you, up to a five-hundred-dollar value, with you paying for the materials. Can we start the bidding at fifty dollars?”