I did peek over my shoulder once or twice to see Memnon still staring at me.

I wondered what thought he was having that made him look as if he’s swallowed a whole pickle. Was he angry atme, or something someone else had said?

Oh dear. I hope he was still there after the auction so I could ask him.

Chapter Nine


You haven’t lookedin a mirror lately, have you?

Long after Giza had carefully led his Mate away, her words, and his knowing chuckle, ran through my head.


They were talking about— My mind skittered away from the thought, even as I craned my neck, looking for Maya. She wasn’t at my side, and it made me antsy. Last night…last night I’d felt her shatter around me.

And it hadn’t been enough.

When the violin music ended, my attention was caught by a familiar laugh. I turned to see my brother and his new family chatting with Sakkara and his Mate. I limped toward them in time to hear Sakkara say, “I’m glad to see you’ve found someone who puts up with you, Simbel.”

“Yeah,” I growled. “I could’ve told you he has the sense of humor—and the intelligence—of a teenaged boy.”

The insult was intended to piss him off, but it didn’t work. The idiot was beaming like he’d won the lottery.

Seeing him interact with Rissa and her son made me think that maybe he did.

It was nice to meet her and the kid, Trick. I could see why Simbel was so in love with her, but whereas only a few hours ago, such a thing would’ve been bittersweet—watching the idiot grow up, and all that—now it just confused me.

DidIlook at Maya like that?

As Simbel dragged them away, Rissa called out shyly, ““Nice meeting you, Memnon,” and I returned her little wave.

For years, I’d only had space in my life for Simbel. I’d onlyallowedhim a place in my life. No one else. But in the last week, I’d let Maya in, no question.

It looked like I was going to have to make space for Rissa and Trick as well. My brother’s new family.

It took longer to get away from Sakkara, the smug bastard. He likely knew exactly how the landscaping job was going, exactly how good it was for my leg, and exactly how I felt about Maya. Yeah, I had to get away from him before I punched someone.

I ended up standing near the stage, pretending to watch them set up for the charity auction, my arms crossed, scowling at nothing. I felt a presence step up beside me, and my senses told me it was Karnak. He always smelled of oils and whatever sharp chemical he used to clean paint from his hands.

“What?” I barked, not looking at him.

He snorted. “Giza warned me you were in a bad mood. Cairo wanted to come give you shit, but I told him he needed to help his wife in the baked goods tent.”

I should probably thank him for saving me from that asshole. Instead, I grunted.

“Not sure why I bothered,” Karnak muttered. “You two probably deserve each other. At leasthisMate can cheer him up.”

I rounded on him, lips curled in a snarl, fists ready to fly, and caught his smirk.

“You haven’t told her she’s your Mate, have you?”

Who? I wanted to snap. Except, of course, I knew who.

I felt the anger leaching from me, felt my shoulders deflating. I dragged my fingers through my hair. “No,” I admitted.

Karnak’s expression turned softer. “You didn’t even realize it yourself, did you?”