Giza’s eyes sparkled as he stroked her back and murmured soothingly, “Promise.”
Huffing a sigh, Harper turned to me. “Honestly, I dragged Giza here because I needed some exercise, and because Liv is playing.”
When she tipped her head toward the stage, I saw Eastshore’s most famous resident, renowned violinist Olivia Zhang, preparing to amaze the audience. At her side stood her big burly Mate, Luxor. He wore a suit and a scowl and carried two little crying green bundles.
Memnon grunted. “You didn’t come to hear her play, you came to see the kitlings.”
Chuckling, Giza clapped his shoulder. “You’ve guessed correctly,T’mak. My beloved is obsessed with them.”
“They have the cutest little tusks,” Harper whispered to me, her hand resting beneath her extended belly. “I’m looking forward to meeting our daughter.”
Giza seemed to swell with pride. “As am I. But you see,dkaar, Olivia isn’t stuck inside, and you won’t be either. I’ll keep both of you safe, don’t worry.”
There was a little sound of surprise from Memnon, and when I turned, it was to see him staring down at me with something like confusion on his face.
“Memnon?” I whispered, tightening my hold on him. Maybe the cheese was bad or something. “Are you okay?”
“Do not fear, Maya,” Giza said, amusement tinting his tone. “He’s just struggling with some important realizations about the nature of his relationships.”
Relationships? My brows drew in as I looked back at Memnon, who was still staring at me, his gaze weirdly green again. “Memnon?”
“I’m fine,” he grunted, turning away.
“Oh, honey, you’renotfine,” Harper laughed. “I mean, youarefine, just not as fine as my Mate, but you know what I mean.” When Memnon turned his scowl her way, she just chuckled again. “You haven’t looked in a mirror lately, have you?”
Was it my imagination, or did he pale at that?
“Maya!” I turned to see Ro hurrying toward me. “Thereyou are!” She was breathing heavily as she skidded to a stop at our group, looking fabulous as always. She planted her hands on her hips as she got her breath back and smiled at the group. “Giza, Harper, you look amazing.”
“I do not,” Eastshore’s latest lawyer grumbled. “I look bloated and sweaty.”
“Glowing,” Ro corrected with a faint smirk. “Andthismust be the elusive Memnon, because there are only so many orcs on this island, and I’ve met them all.” She waved. “I’m Ro.”
But Memnon was ignoring her, staring at me instead. I wanted to apologize for his rudeness, and tell him to acknowledge Ro, but Giza stopped me with a chuckle.
“Rosemary, Eastshore Isle is a sanctuary for our people, and Sakkara is doing his best to spread the word. Soon there will be new orcs, ones you haven’t yet met…”
Harper nudged her Mate. “Yeah, butyou’vemet them all and will be able to tell us everything about them—hair color, history, shoe size,et cetera.”
His expression was serious as he deadpanned, “Black, turbulent, twenty-six.”
“You can’tallhave the same past—” Harper began, but Ro interrupted her. “Wait, youallwear size twenty-six shoes?”
There was a twinkle in Giza’s dark eyes as he nodded solemnly. “You know what they say about men with big feet.”
As Harper snickered, my gaze dropped, unbidden, to Memnon’s feet. His shoes were larger than any I’d seen, and his cock…
Maybe I made a little noise because I saw his nostrils flare and his gaze shot to mine. My cheeks darkened in a flush, remembering how that cock had felt pressed against me last night.
“Well, okay then!” Ro declared too cheerfully to not be fake. “I’m here to collect Maya for Jess—I promised I would help.” She linked her arm though mine. “I swear, though, you’re all going to make me start hoping Giza’s right and more orcswillshow up here.”
Harper winked lewdly. “There are certain benefits.”
I was beyond embarrassed, but judging from the way Memnon was staring at me—half-shocked, half-angry—he wasn’t paying attention to their banter.
“Come on, Maya.” Ro tugged me. “The auction is about to start.”
Oh yeah, since I was going up on the stage to represent my company, I probably had to stand in line someplace. So I stumbled after her, trying to make my feet work properly.