She glanced down at her plate. “I thought… What about a community garden? Along the west side, beside the dog park?” She shrugged. “I know a lot of homeowners have space in their yards for gardens, but with the mayor putting in those condos, and people who live in apartments, it would be nice to have someplace where we could go to grow vegetables.”
I hummed. “It’s a good idea, Blossom. And even if people live in a house, they could still have a plot there. Foster community,et cetera.”
She’d caught her breath when I agreed and now smiled shyly up at me. “Exactly. I thought I’d talk to Jess—she’s the Community Development Coordinator—and maybe ask about a mini-farmer’s market in the summer, so people could sell or trade their produce.”
I knew Jess; she was Karnak’s Mate, and more or less kept Eastshore going. “Go for it, Maya. Eastshore is going to love it.”
She beamed at me.
And that joy on her face?Herjoy? It reached down into my chest andsqueezed. MyKteerhowled in pride that I’d made her feel like that, and I knew I was going to spend every minute on this job trying to make her feel that kind of joy again.
The rest of the meal, and the clean-up, and the hanging out on the couch after was…fun.
I was understandably surprised by that.
When was the last time I had fun? When was the last time I hung out with a female?
Maybe you ought to hang out with girls more often.
No, it wasn’t just any female, it wasMaya. Maya made things fun. Even though I was just sitting there listening to her talk about the stuff she was passionate about, I enjoyed myself. I figured I could watch her talk—the way her eyes seemed to glow, the cute way she flailed her arms around as she gestured, the enthusiasm in her voice—for hours.
Which is what happened.
I mean, I participated, offering suggestions and thoughts when she asked for them, and helped her plan out the schedule forthe job on her phone. But still, it was late when we both finally realized the time.
“Want me to walk you home?” I offered.
And for the first time, she shut down. Her expression shuttered, she wrapped her arms around her middle, she looked away. This wasn’t the openness and honesty I was used to from her.
“Um, thanks, but no. I’m good. It’s not far.” She inched toward the door. “But thanks. For dinner. For everything.”
I walked her to the door. “You sure? I can go with you…?” It didn’t feel right, sending her out into the darkness alone.
“Nope, I’m good!” she blurted. “Don’t want to hurt your leg going up and down these steps uselessly.”
“That’s the point,” I growled, but she was already out the door, skittering down the steps.
“Bye, Memnon!” she called.
I watched from the window as she walked back up the alley, then turned down Roe Row to head out to Main Street. I could have limped across the apartment to peer out the front windows, to watch her progress…but she’d said she was fine, and I needed to respect that.
MyKteerdidn’t like it, insisting I protect Maya. But fuck it, myKteeris a primitive throwback to when we needed violent instincts to survive.
You mean last autumn? New York was a violent place.
I snorted at my own sarcasm and went to take another shower. Cold this time, to try to chase away my body’s response to having Maya in my space.
It didn’t work, and I was still sporting a cockstand as I stepped out of the shower, looking for a distraction.
Except…it sounded as if the water was still running. I wrapped a towel around myself and cocked an ear. There was water running in the bathroom downstairs. Not the first time I’d heard it after hours, and up until now, I’d been afraid I was going to have to call a plumber.
But itwasthe first time I could also sense Maya downstairs. I could almost hear her puttering around for a half-hour or so, until everything went quiet.
Except…I swear I could still feel her, down there. In my space.
I stretched out on the bed, my hands behind my head, and focused on what I thought might be her heart beating below me. I shouldn’t be able to hear it, hearher. But somehow, myKteerknew her.
I didn’t have nightmares about the flash of guns that night, and I didn’t get up to exercise either. I slept beautifully, knowing she was nearby.