Simbel cleared his throat. “And as my first act as a responsible parental figure, and in reward for his mature actions and influence on his friends, and in an effort to give him something to do to keep him busy…” He winked at me. “I suggest you allow me to buy Trick a drum set.”
As Patrick sucked in a breath, I raised a brow. Well…why not? Simbel’s reasoningwasgood, and it was something I’d already agreed to. If he really was going to be a part of our lives, he’d be contributing to the bills, wouldn’t he? This gift seemed minor in comparison.
“Okay,” I agreed, and Patrick let out a little whoop as Simbel exhaled.
“Good, because I’ve found one on the mainland, and I told the guy we would be by this afternoon to pick it up. I thought we could grab dinner over there too. Sort of a celebration.”
Patrick whooped again, and I felt him bounce on his toes, so I squeezed him. “After we clean up the boat from last night’s adventure.”
“Absolutely,” both my males said together.
Well then, I guess there were no other objections. “That’s nice of Simbel, isn’t it, Patrick?”
The boy didn’t quite roll his eyes. “Yeah, it is. Thanks, Dad.”
It was kinda cute the way Simbel stiffened; eyes wide as his lips formed the wordDad. I grinned. “I think you broke him.”
“I was just getting used to beingbro.” Simbel shook his head. “Up until we moved here, Memnon was my other half, but I’ve been lost without him. Then you two were there, filling me up…” He blinked, then slowly grinned, his arm looping around Patrick’s shoulders. “If you want me to beDad, I can do that.”
I poked him. “Even if you’reDad, he’s still going to call youbro.”
“Yeah, bro,” Patrick agreed.
“To be fair,” I whispered to Simbel, “I used to call everyone and everything‘dude’, so I get it.”
“Dude?” Patrick groaned. “Mom, that is so old school.”
“I know,bro.” I grinned at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
Simbel dropped a kiss on my head again. “I love you.” He cupped the back of Patrick’s head and pulled him close enough to drop his forehead against the kid’s.
It was…a benediction, almost. Something sacred in that moment.
“And I love you, Trick,” he whispered toour son.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat. For sixteen years, I’d been Patrick’s sole support. I’d been the one to teach him how to be a good human…but now he had a better role model. Simbel was going to be there for the rest of our lives, teaching Patrick not only how to be a good human, but a good male. I’d seen it that very first day in the office, and I saw it now.
To my surprise, Patrick’s free arm wrapped around Simbel. His eyes were closed, and in a raspy voice, he whispered, “I love you too, bro.”
I grinned.
When Simbel straightened, he was smiling as well, although there were tears in his eyes. “You’re mine, and I’m yours,” he announced to both of us.
“Mate,” I agreed quietly.
“Mate.” He bent down to brush a soft kiss across my lips.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,Mate,” Patrick agreed. “Now, who wants bacon?”
“You guys got enough drinks? Snacks?”I pointed at each of the teens standing behind various instruments in the garage. “Bubblegum or whatever?”
“I can’t sing and chew gum at the same time, Officer Simbel,” Brian pointed out.