Simbel took the clam and was turning it over in his hands, studying it. “Okay, this all makes sense, but we only have two shovels, your mom is using one, and I have good hands.”
I felt myself smiling, even though I wasn’t part of the conversation. Hedidhave good hands.
Patrick, though, had handed his shovel over. “I’m just telling you, this is how you clam. I don’t know anyone who clam with their hands.”
“Do you know many orcs?” Simbel asked with a smirk.
“Do orcs like sand under their claws?” Patrick shot right back. “Look, you gotta use the shovel because it’s fast, it doesn’t make noise. You don’t give ‘em warning, you sneak up on them.”
Simbel raised a brow. “Sneak up on the clams? So they don’t…what? Run away?” he deadpanned.
The thought of clams doinganythingquickly had me pressing my lips together to avoid laughing, and I turned away just as Patrick began to snicker.
The two of them continued their conversation behind me, Patrick starting to explain about the band he and his friends were trying to start, but I did my best to focus on myownclamming.
We only had two shovels, but we were only allowed to take thirty clams each today, so I wasn’t too worried.
Besides, the longer I stared at Simbel, the more I blushed.
Last night…
Holy hell, last night.
The things he’d said to me; the whispered praise. I shuddered, even in the warm spring sunshine. The way he’d touched me, stroked me…God, he’d hit spots I’d never experienced before.
Had it felt so good just because it wasnew? I’d wanted him for a while, and last night, he’d made me come so easily. I’d been fully dressed, really. Surely it was just because I was so horny.
I shot a glance at him over my shoulder, even as my core began to throb again, remembering the way he’d touched me. I wanted to feel that way again. I wantedhimagain.
But…would it be the same? It had only worked because I was so primed and ready, right?
Focus. Clams.
I jabbed the shovel into the sand and turned the pile over a bit too enthusiastically. Oooh, two clams at once! I bent to scoop them up and drop them in my bucket, then stomped the sand back in place with my rubber boots.
The sun was lovely today—it had been a good decision to get away from everything for a bit with some of my favorite peeps. It hadn’t taken too long to get out here to Lighthouse Island, which was a popular place in the summer months. It was close enough to see Eastshore Isle on the horizon, but there was no cell reception, and it felt good to unplug.
Behind me, I could hear Simbel telling a story, hear Patrick’s occasional question, and I risked a glance.
The two of them looked so natural together. There was none ofmyawkwardness as I tried to understand this young man my son was becoming. As I watched, Patrick turned eagerly toward the large male, his eyes already lit with questions, and I felt my heart squeeze.
Therewas my honeybear, the eager and enthusiastic learner who’d been my best friend for so long. Had that been fair to Patrick? He had such a wide range of friends and activities—I’d made certain of that…but he’d been the focus ofmyworld.
Seeing him interacting with another adult, an adult like Simbel…well, it made me happy. It made me happy to see the way he trusted Simbel, the way he accepted him. I was proud of Patrick, and glad the two of them were getting along so well.
Because after last night, I definitely wanted Simbel to stick around.
No, that’s not true; I’d felt that way since the basketball game. Last night had just sort of sealed the deal.
I turned back to my digging, my cheeks heating again.
Simbel was the first guy I’d been with who hadn’t focused on his own pleasure. What he’d done last night had been aboutme, and that, more than anything else, had made me feel remarkable.
I’d felt his hard length in his jeans, I’d known he was as aroused as I was, but not once had he touched his own cock. He’d focused onme, even fully clothed. He’d stroked me, he’d whispered praise, he’d touched parts ofme I’d never experienced. And I’d come around his fingers, calling his name for the world to hear.
Oh God, that could’ve been a disaster.
Slowly, I straightened, my heart beginning to pound.