We strolled from one end of the public beach to the other, and I got just as many steps—according to my watch—as I did on yesterday’s run. And the whole time, we talked about all sorts of things.
She already knew a lot of my past, thanks to her questions at the game, but now Rissa began to open up tome. She spoke a lot about Trick—Patrick—and I could hear the pride in her voice. It was obvious the kid was her whole world, and she joked about that too, about how she no longer knew how to have fun, because she’d become such an old…what had she called it? An old fuddy-duddy.
When I pointed out that calling someone anold fuddy-duddywas something only an old fuddy-duddy would do, she laughed. So then I pointed out that going out with me wasfun, and I could tell how far she was stepping outside her comfort zone.
Smiling softly, she squeezed my arm. “Yeah, I guess I am.” Blue eyes flicked to my face, then back to the shells on the sand in front of us. “Thanks for making me laugh.”
“Thanks for giving me a second try.”
She was silent for a few minutes, then spoke hesitantly. “What you said to Patrick, that afternoon in the office? I really appreciated that. Of course I’m a vocal feminist and raised him to recognize a lot about privilege and equality—God willing—but some things need to come from a male in order to make them more memorable.”
I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I was glad I’d done something right. “You know, when I joined the EIPD, I did it because I’d been a cop for the last ten years. I hadn’t expected to be made the school’s resource officer, but Chief Ortiz thought it was the best place for me. The hours are awesome, that’s for sure. But I’ve never been around kids this much. Trick…he’s a smart guy, I can tell. I think he’s going to be okay.”
“I hope so,” she sighed. “Lord knows how many nights I’ve spent lying awake, worrying about him.”
I was beginning to get the picture. Rissa had devoted her life to her son, and now, as he was growing up, she wasn’t sure where she stood in herownlife. “What’s there to worry about?”
And so she told me about how Trick was spending more time with a group of boys who were on the cusp of life. I could tell these kids were bored and acting out, but if they went any farther in the petty crimes, they’d fall headlong intomyworld, the world of not-so-petty crimes and violence.
I offered what suggestions and reassurances I could, and before long, we were comparing notes on some mutual experiences. Rissa had clearly lived a much wilder youth than she was living now. She told me all about her relationship with a loser named David, and how he’d taken off as soon as he’d found out she planned to raise Patrick, leaving her to manage it alone.
This woman was the strongest, bravest, most determined female I’d met, and I was falling for her.
Before we knew it, we were back at the park, having talked and walked for almost two hours. I didn’t want this to end, so a little desperately, I blurted, “Are you hungry?”
Rissa was so much more at ease with me now and shot me a smirk. “The taco truck is right over there.”
“And I’ve been meaning to try it.” I offered her my arm again, trying for over-the-top gallantry. “Someone recently told me the taco truck is delicious, you know.”
Smiling at my reference to our earlier conversation, she slid her arm back through mine, and myKteercrowed at the way her warmth and curves felt pressed against me.
“That used to be my nickname in college,” she quipped.
And I, without thinking, blurted, “Taco truck? Me too.” But then I leaned closer to waggle my brows and murmur, “Or delicious? I can see why.”
The sweet scent of her arousal suddenly spiked. Rissa’s lips parted, her pupils contracting as she stared up at me. I could see—or maybe sense—her pulse beating at the base of her throat. I wanted to lean down and lick that spot, knowing I’d find it—findher—to be as sweet, as salty, asdelicious, as I’d imagined.
But we were in public, and although she’d agreed to a walk and an informal lunch, I wasn’t going to give into myKteer’sdemands here. Despite the sweet perfume of her arousal making the air thick between us, I turned us toward the taco truck.
And the possibilities.
Chapter Six
“You’resure you’re okay with this?” Patrick paused, his hand on the passenger door’s handle. “I mean, I’m not complaining, because Ethan’s mom makes amazing pizza.” He cocked his head to one side. “But usually you’re not cool with me eating dinner at a friend’s house.”
That’s because I was big on family dinners. But tonight… “Yeah.” My smile wasn’t entirely forced as I made a shooing motion. “Go, have fun. Text me when you’re ready for me to pick you up.”
Eyes narrowing, my son slumped back against the seat. “Mom. What’s going on?”
Was I that obvious? When he glared at me like this, I saw so much of myself in Patrick, and I thought about theconversation Simbel and I had had on Sunday, about what a cool young man my baby was becoming, and how he was full of so much potential. I was proud and heartbroken all at once.
The pride won out. He saw that there was something going on, and he pushed to find out what was wrong. So I straightened my shoulders, tightened my hands on the steering wheel, and blew out a breath.
“I have dinner plans tonight, so Ethan’s invite was handy.”
His dark brows shot up. “That’s cool. You never go out on weeknights. Who’s it with? Ms. Joleen?”