Page 13 of My Orc in Uniform

Simbel blinked in what I thought was confusion. “Kelly? Oh, yeah, she did invite me to work out with her. Um…” He winced slightly and shifted his weight. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Rissa, but don’t you think she’s a little…I dunno, young? And silly?” He shook his head. “I’m not trying to insult her, but…” His grin turned lopsided. “She’sreallynot my type.”

My heart, which had been thundering against my ribcage until he began to speak, now stood frozen. I took a deep breath, and when it started up again, it was much calmer.Ifelt much calmer.

Obviously this is artistic license. If my heart reallydidfreeze, I’d be telling you this story from a hospital bed. But the point is, my chest relaxed and relief seeped through my limbs. Hewasasking me on a walk?

My lips slowly curled. “I think…I would like that,” I offered shyly. A walk seemed nice and simple. Not a commitment. Not a date.

He blew out a breath, as if he’d been hanging on my reply. “Great. Awesome.” His smile suddenly bloomed, and I could see genuine pleasure in his expression, which is a hell of a confidence boost, let me tell you. “Do you think I—uh…could I get your number? Or maybe I could give you mine, so you don’t feel weird about me having a way to contact you? That way the ball’s in your court?”

I glanced sideways, at therealcourt spread before us, and I heard him snort, as he realized what he’d said. “You know what I mean.”

I did. Ididknow what he meant, and that was really…cool. Strange? For so long, I’d been one hundred percent focused on raising Patrick that it was wild to think there was another male out there who I could understand so well.

You had fun with him too.


Without freeing his hand, I fumbled for my phone in my bag. “Give me your number.”

I felt wild. Crazy. Different.Fun.

Chapter Five


I wokeup embarrassingly early on Saturday, just to check my phone for texts. I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised, not to see anything.

Still, I kept the phone’s volume turned up during my morning run, and I put it on the bathroom counter during the long shower I took afterwards. It was an…involved shower.

Maybe it was because I was thinking about Rissa—and the way she’d looked when she’d laughed last night. Maybe it was because myKteerhad been howling for attention for the last twenty-four hours. Whatever the reason, my cock spent the whole time at attention, and it seemed easier to just take care of it.

I planted one hand against the tile while I stroked myself with my other, remembering the shy way her lips hadcurled. Remembering how delicate her hand had looked, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. It was like Rissa did her best not to be noticed, but once I started noticing her, I hadn’t been able to stop.

There was something so damn compelling about her.

Thinking of her laughter made me wonder what kind of sound she’d make when I kissed her, or when I licked her nipples. When I made her come.

I shouldn’t be fantasizing about her like this, but that didn’t stop me from groaning her name as I painted the tiles with pale green cum, the spicy-sweet scent spiking the air.

What an asshole.

And jerking off didn’t even curb my anxiousness; I checked my phone constantly. The more hours that passed, the more I felt like an asshole; it was clear she wasn’t interested in me. MyKteerthrobbed, my chest ached, and my skin felt strangely itchy. I told myself it was anticipation, then disappointment.


Memnon and I were eating take-out burgers and watching one of theMission Impossiblemovies—don’t ask me which one, they’re all the same—when my phone binged, and I lunged for it.

“Thank fuck,” my twin sighed. “Is it her?”

I grinned, the band around my chest loosening when I saw the text from the unknown number that beganHey, it’s Rissa.“It’s her,” I confirmed.

Memnon had already grabbed the remote to pause the movie. “Thank fuck,” he repeated. “Now you can quit moping and get on with the Mating and leave me alone.”

My heart was pounding against my ribs, and I could barely process what he was saying. I stood, my finger already swiping her message open. “Don’t wait for me.”

I heard the movie begin again as I stumbled toward my room, my attention on the phone.

Hey, it’s Rissa. I had a good time last night, really. A walk would be nice too.