The visual of the woman with a green crest of hair, blue features and crimson extremities made Imbolt smile. “Oh, I know what those markings are. I need to send a message to the Vendori home world.”
“What about the Skevarik?”
“They are banned from getting a Terran in perpetuity, as are the original species. No guardian, no defender. Nothing. Spread this news through surrounding systems.”
Alyla frowned. “What did you see when you saw her colouring?”
“Something old and familiar.”
“You are old and familiar.” His daughter laughed.
“You sound like your mother.” He grinned as his fingers tapped messages, and then, the core of him sent a message and waited for a reply.
“She’s been an amazing influence. At least I called you first thing.”
Imbolt sighed. “Thank you, Alyla.”
She chuckled. “You are welcome, Dad. What the hell could they have been thinking?”
“The factions can be divided. A scenario is forming, and it is the only one that is partially understandable.”
“What is it?”
“If the male she was compatible with died, they needed a bride for his funeral.”
“Holy shit.”
“There’s your mom again. If they were actually bound, it would be necessary to put her out of her suffering, but as they have never met, it would be for optics. To show he was cared for and a good leader.”
“How can having a dead wife make that clear?”
“I have no idea. I would burn out solar systems for your mother, so I am not really a good judge of what is appropriate, but I would do that for her but not to her.”
Alyla nodded. “When are you coming home?”
“If I can get this straightened out, in ten days; if not, I will have to remain out here and possibly take a visit to the station.”
“Right. Of course. Mel is a priority.” She nodded. “I just have one question.”
“Where was the delivery unit for the last six weeks? How did it get so close to the station? How did it communicate with the station?”
Imbolt nodded. “Excellent questions. The queries are out in the air now. We have to wait.”
He felt a tapping on his mind and opened his thoughts to the avatar.
Zanicon, I got your query. Is there really such a female at my station?
Imbolt snorted.Yes, and you are aware of it.
Am I?
No one gets on that station without your permission, and yet, you have invited an altered Terran in for safety only.
How unusually generous of me.
And she is pigmented like one of your avatars. As in, the avatar you are currently speaking through.