Page 7 of Pirate By Parrot

“You are welcome,” a deep male voice reverberated in the chamber.

She jumped, but Marko remained calm, so she waited for the call to go through.

Alyla’s face flared into the screen. “Mel! Where are you?”

“Uh. No clue. Trace the call.”

The voice came out again. “Vendori Station. The pod was jettisoned here six weeks ago.”

Alyla stared. “Jettisoned?”

“The vessel the pod was on was under attack. Once the pod was safe, the vessel drew fire and proceeded with all speed.”

Alyla paused. “Is that the station talking?”

Mel shrugged. “I dunno. I have been awake less than an hour.”

“Yes, miss, it is the station. The Vendori have been notified of her arrival, but as she is contained, they are not in a hurry to make their way here.”

Mel sat back and said, “Am I even needed for this?”

Alyla sighed. “The Skevarik are claiming that we are not upholding the contract.”

The station answered that. “The Skevarik were the ones attacking the pod.”

Alyla blinked. “Do you have video?”

“Yes, and communications recordings. They did not see the vessel drop the pod.”

Alyla paused. “Why did the ship drop the pod?”

“Marko asked them to.”

Mel looked at her bird. “Did you do that, you clever lady?”

Marko hopped onto her shoulder and started grooming her hair. Mel noticed quickly that her hair was bright green, her hands were dark red, and a glance into her suit said her body was dark blue. She looked at Marko, and the silver bird kept preening her hair. She knew those colours.

The ship stated, “Recordings have been sent.”

Alyla nodded. “Received. Thank you. This is not going to be a quiet issue.”

“Did we ever get clothing for me?”

“How tall are you?”

“The subject is two point six metres tall,” the station stated. “Clothing is being fabricated in the available materials based on style options offered by Marko. Her systems are very easy to speak with.”

Marko fluffed her feathers.

Mel chuckled and made affection sounds that made Marko lean in, and they touched heads.

Alyla smiled. “Well, I am glad that you aren’t there alone. Vendori Station, do you have food?”

“Yes, miss.”

“Okay. Good. Will you let me access this terminal again for an inbound call?”

“Of course, miss.”