She landed near the ramp, and Marko and Whee were with her. Pohloh was at home nesting. It had finally gotten to the point where it wanted to spawn.
Occorin was in the city getting the residences ready for the new citizens.
As she thought of him, he landed next to her and kissed her quickly. “Did I miss them?”
“The new high-grav citizens? Nope.”
He kept his arm on her back, and they stood together as they watched the first members of their carefully chosen population. Different ages and different species, they all wanted to live quietly on a high-gravity world, and Vendar fit the bill.
They stood as the cargo ramp descended with the new colonists slowly lining up and walking down toward the hard surface of the landing area.
Mel shifted from foot to foot as she waited for a familiar face, and when she saw her, she walked forward. “Annabelle!”
Annabelle ran toward her and thudded into her with a solid thud. “Mel! You are looking great.”
“Thanks. So, where is he?”
Annabelle looked behind her and smiled as the Rai walked down the ramp behind them. “Hai-sko, this is my friend Melora of Terra, bride of Vendar, companion to Yaluthu, and queen of the Vendari.”
Hai-sko was dressed in a battlesuit covered by an open kimono in the manner of Rai Guardians. Annabelle was dressed in the kimono of a lady of Rai.
“You look lovely, Annabelle.”
“Thank you. I couldn’t believe it when I made up my mind to come here, and Hai-sko was in the same high-grav prep class.”
Hai-sko came up to them and stood behind Annabelle.
“You don’t mind the one-way trip?”
Annabelle smiled. “I need stability. I need a place just to be me. This entire world is starting over, and that energy is a powerful draw.”
Hai-sko said, “My family is gone, and a new start on a new world appealed to me. If you don’t mind our effect on local fashions, we will be happy to make a home here.”
Annabelle smiled. “I got into silk painting. He’s from a family of kimono makers. I see you have gone casual.”
Mel knew that her skirt and light top were fluttering in the breeze, matching what Occorin was wearing. They looked like they were on a Caribbean vacation in silky pyjamas.
She nodded. “We are still in search of a traditional costume.”
Hai-sko asked, “What are the wedding rituals here?”
Mel paused. She couldn’t say that a post-coital high-five had sealed the deal. “Let’s start a council of new arrivals, and we can set up rituals, holidays, and that sort of thing.”
Occorin smiled. “Hello again, Annabelle. You are looking much better now.”
“Occorin-Vendar.” Mel smiled. “Ves when we are on the station.”
Annabelle smiled. “Taller than I thought.”
He smiled and inclined his head.
Mel looked to Whee. “Oh, this is Whee. She’s my buddy and a Yaluthu. She has had one fluffle. Her sibling is Marko’s Yaluthu, and she is currently having her fluffles. Its name is Pohloh.”
Annabelle caught it immediately. “Oh, my god.” She giggled.
Hai-Sko asked, “What is the amusement?”