“Thank you, Alyla.”
“Pretty birdie!”
Alyla paused. “Did Marko just speak without cursing?”
Mel smiled. “She feels it’s a bad influence on the young ones.”
“Yeah. How have you been keeping?”
“Well, we have a number of other Resets lined up for when Dad gets home.”
“You are taking good care of them?”
“No one is in a hurry. One is a half-Lrrko, and they are shocked that she showed up.”
Imbolt blinked. “I thought that all of them had been found.”
“Yes, and no. One of them had their ovaries extracted, and based on the existence of this woman, she was born shortly after that event. Someone used the harvested eggs.”
Mel asked, “How is that a reset?”
“Lrrko have different attributes. She needs to let her dominant genes come to the surface. In her case, it is a makeover.” Alyla shrugged. “They are going to send a representative for her, but things are a little complicated.”
“She doesn’t like the way he looks. Her instinct is to make him prettier when he arrives, and he isn’t going for it.”
“Prettier, how?”
“She’s a tattoo artist.”
“Oh. Wow. Does she do heavy-grav skin?”
“I can ask. She might need a pressure suit.”
Occorin asked, “You would mark your skin?”
“Yes. I always wanted some tattoos. I think that designing something for the position I suddenly find myself in would be cool.”
Imbolt asked, “Like what?”
“A thick band of gold across my shoulders and wrapping around to keep the band even. And then, if I have kids, add one after each one.”
Occorin swallowed. “You are willing to have children with me?”
“Well, pace yourself. I still haven’t done more than touch your hand. Not even a hug.”
He nodded. “I was hoping we would be alone for that or, at least, as alone as it was possible to be.”
Imbolt asked, “Melora, are you satisfied with this situation?”
“I am satisfied that this is a good start. I am here to start over again, not just wallow.” She smiled. “As Ves, he was there for everything I needed, and anything he couldn’t figure out himself, he asked other Terrans. He attempted to provide me with a social network. The Yaluthu were brought on board by him for assistance and pacification. If he is from a species where the men ask for help, I will gladly sign up to start the next generation.”
Imbolt smiled. “I wasn’t aware of those other actions, and that is easing my worry a bit.”
Mel smiled. “Good. It sounds like your daughter needs you.”