“So, has your body been altered to make girls?”
He smiled. “Correct again.”
“Wow. I am really doing well today.” There was a small thud under her feet. “So, I guess now is the time?”
“Please be on good behaviour.”
She nodded and then whistled sharply. She started walking to the entry point of the ship when two thuds landed on her shoulder. Marko carried the very portly Pohloh and dropped her baby off before she settled with a tired sigh.
“Marko, she can run along the ground just fine. She’s pretty fast.”
Marko leaned over and said,“Find a mirror, bitch.”
Mel laughed and walked to the door, waiting for the scan that would let her out.
The door swung open, and she walked out, looking for the visitor.
The man in the sleeveless bodysuit would have been terrifying if she had still been under six feet tall. As it was, she looked at the sleek black feathers that acted in place of his hair, and she grinned. “You are Alyla’s dad. Imbolt-Zanican.”
He looked at her with designs moving under his skin. “You know me?”
“I spent a lot of time with your daughter and saw some family photos.”
He sighed. “I am sorry I was not there to manage your transformation. I could have made it faster and painless.”
“I would not have said no to that, but I managed.”
“What do you think of your mate?”
She paused and cocked her head. “May I be frank?”
“While I have met projections, I have not met either Occorin or Vendar in person. That was supposed to happen today, I believe.”
Imbolt scowled. “It was supposed to happen months ago. And Occorin and Vendar are in the same body.”
She scowled. “That I do not appreciate.”
Rushing feet approached them, and a male that was flushed or something that made his skin darker. “Imbolt-Zanican, forgive me. I was preparing a meal for her.”
She nodded. “He does do that and medical assistance, and he made sure that I was still on the Rai Station when the Yaluthu came, and I am guessing he and they had a chat.”
Occorin ducked his head. “It was short. They understood your need.”
Imbolt looked at them. “You aren’t enraged at him?”
“He’s the only guy my size in the universe. I am not trying to pare down the dating pool. I can kick his ass later, after I stop wearing the restrictor suits.”
Imbolt looked and narrowed his eyes. “What is it doing?”
“It keeps me from moving ‘too big’ on planets. The horseshit about me flying apart isn’t really plausible for short situations, but this keeps me moving normally around smaller people so that I can manage it. I have some dresses without it and am looking forward to wearing them where I can twirl without anyone watching.”
Imbolt scowled at Occorin. “Why wasn’t her home ready?”
He mumbled, “When I saw her, it wasn’t good enough for her, so I made a new home that is better with gardens and fountains and pools. Places for Marko and the Yaluthu. It has everything to act as a base between travels if she wants to travel.”
Occorin looked at her hopefully.