Page 5 of Pirate By Parrot

Marko chirped for permission and took off in the enormous and vaulted space.

“We are also working on a suit that will compete with your growth.”

“Split it into trousers and a top, put stretch zones along the seams, and make the top into a butt-covering tunic so it can rise up.”

“Any decoration?”

“A fancy sash to make it feel fun. I wear a fucking parrot, after all.”

Alyla chuckled. “I saw the sketches you have been making. They are hilarious.”

“Woo fucking hoo! Out of my way, jerkass!”Marko was doing barrel rolls, her silver feathers gleaming.

“Ah, I can fall asleep to that.” She chuckled and enjoyed not wheezing and hacking afterward.

“We are trying to ship you out and are building a canister for the final development and density issues. You won’t get too much taller, but your final density is going to require reinforcing your bones and strengthening muscle attachments.”

“Really? I thought I was going to a lighter gravity species.” She frowned.

Alyla blinked. “Mom said she was going to tell you. They fell through, so your genetics were offered to Skevarik. They jumped at the chance, so to speak, and you are now destined for the Nyal Imperium.”

“Oh, right. I remember something of my final form not being certain for one species. Uh, so, I need different language lessons.”

Alyla nodded. “This is why I wanted to get you situated here and started with a light exercise regimen. We don’t have a trainer your size, but we will make do.”

Mel chuckled. “I was never good at yoga, but I was great at basic training.”

“Interesting, and we will take that under advisement. First, we need to get you some clothing and shoes. The shoes are the rough part.”

“Yup. I can imagine. Sandals will be a good start. Everything should be wrap and tie capable until I finish growing.”

“Yes, ma’am. Are you good here?”

“Yup. You said, Skevarik?”

“Yes. They are giant heavy-worlders.”

“Oh. Great. I thought that didn’t happen.”

“There are exceptions to everything, and that includes genetic design.” Alyla smiled. “I am one, and you are one, so why not others?”

“See you for checkers?”

“Three hours and counting. I just have to send some things off and make a few calls, but hopefully, I will come bearing snacks and a change of clothing for you.”

“Cool. Where is the dispensing unit?”

“Next to the large display. How is your dexterity?”

“Better since I filed my fingernails.” She looked at her nails.

“We need a mani-pedi night.”

“I don’t know if you have enough polish.”

Alyla grinned. “We have industrial acrylic. I can make it whatever colour I want. See you in a few hours.”

Mel looked around at her long bed, a stand for Marko, along with food, water, and treats, and a couch. It was a step up from medical, and she looked at the open space around the temporary wall and started doing push-ups and jumping jacks to start getting used to more powerful limbs.