“I guessed you would say yes. Now, we will see what the secondary avatar says. She just woke up after years of being stored because of the danger of her talent. They let her go on Iratho after an entire island had been prepared for her so she wouldn’t break the world. She learned to control herself, and then she got her Yaluthu and calmed right down.” Amber sipped at her tea. “Now we see if she can flush her embarrassment and make a friend.”
Mel looked up and watched Marko soaring happily.
A few minutes later, Addy walked in with the servant, and a chair was set for her at the table with a full set of implements and a service.
Addy sighed, and Rumble hopped off her shoulder, ran up to Mel, and flapped his wings. Mel put her hand on the table, and he ran up her arm to preen Whee. She reached up and moved Pohloh to the other side.
Addy blinked. “What were you doing on Rai Station?”
“Oh, I was on Rai dropping off a Citadel specialist that washed up outside my station. We brought her in and talked to her, talked to her Citadel, and they told us that for her to get any help, she needed a quarter of a million credits to pay off the search and rescue efforts from when she was stolen.” Mel smiled as she listened to the family reunion on her shoulder. Whee was already bigger than her progenitor by a few inches. They changed to match their others.
Mel continued, “So, we contacted the Imperium, and they said there was a million-credit reward for any lost Terrans, so we made arrangements and handed her over to the Guardians, who paid the Citadel. Then, we took her down to Rai so she could get some therapy for the multiple sexual assaults and find the things that light her soul, which is what Kyna is good at. So, she will be retrained as a guardsman if she chooses to be and will get the help she needs to stop screaming in her sleep.”
Addy was staring, and Amber teared up. “Oh, damn.”
“So, Annabelle got the money and bought me some scarves to fancy up my outfits, and that was the moment when Marko headed out and hijacked the babies because they knew they were needed.”
Addy asked, “How much money is left?”
“I dunno. I don’t have any accounts. There was no sense in installing a com or chip with me growing so rapidly. It would have been an irritating pain that I didn’t really need at the time. I am stable now, thanks to Whee, but that is a new situation.”
Addy sighed. “I am sorry. I got this so wrong.” She scowled. “Who was the Citadel official who told you about the debt load?”
Mel frowned. “I didn’t get her name. She was pale green and had a fin kind of thing on either side of her face. The hair was yellowy green and had a seaweed and mossy texture. She had a chipped front tooth and looked like she didn’t have much use for Terrans.”
Addy blinked. “Right. I think I know who Annabelle was talking to. We don’t charge for rescue efforts if the personnel was on duty.”
“She was on bodyguarding duty. She appears to be a heavy-hitter with an energy discharge.” Mel shrugged. “Seems that she will have an easy time finding a new assignment or posting if she goes with the Guardians. She can fly, too.”
Addy smiled. “I will leave a message on Rai. If she wants to come back, we would love her on Iratho.”
“I think she will be on a journey of self-discovery for a while. I am not really able to be in contact with her. She needs to find out what is left of herself and what she can remake into something that works for her. I hope she becomes a florist.” Mel smiled. “The world needs more flowers.”
There was a low rumble coming from her shoulder, and Whee headbutted her father off them. Rumble flapped to regain his balance and return to Addy.
“I think the kids are rejecting curfew.” She chuckled and petted the little ones, returning Pohloh to the other shoulder.
Addy picked Rumble up and blinked. “Your Yaluthu cursed at her. A lot.”
“Oh, that’s Marko’s love language.”
Pohloh was grumpy.
“They appear to be taking on heavy-grav characteristics,” Amber stated.
“Well, some kind of Vendari adaptation as heavy-grav folks are usually shorter. Well, with a few exceptions.” Mel shrugged. “I have just been able to start my education.”
Amber frowned. “Really?”
“That kind of growth hurts like hell, makes it hard to concentrate. I was glad that Whee arrived after the worst of it.”
We will work on your education. It was promised to you, and we will deliver.
She smiled slightly and murmured, “That would be interesting. I have never been able to get an education before.”
Then, you shall have it and plenty of flowers.
Mel smiled.