Addy looked at her. “I could destroy you and this world.”
“And I can smash you flat. My bones don’t turn to jelly, and I don’t pull punches. Step aside. I take up a lot of room.”
Addy stared and blushed and then winced as Rumble returned to her and began to shriek in her ear.
Amber smiled. “This way. We have set out a lunch.”
Mel chuckled. “Music to my ears.”
Amber chuckled and led her way through a paved street where traffic had been stopped. Folk were staring at her, but they were smiling, which was a nice change.
Amber said, “That’s a nice outfit and lovely sash.”
“Thank you. A friend bought me the sash on Rai Station.”
They walked to a lovely palace, but Amber walked her around the main structure and out back to a wide stone patio with a very large bistro set. Mel grinned. “Aw, you shouldn’t have.”
“I thought it would be nice for you to be comfortable.”
“I really appreciate that. It has been a rough few months.”
“What advice did Imbolt give you?”
“None. I haven’t met him. He was on a delivery run while they started processing me. I got launched into space while still growing with Marko here, and from there, I was at a base and trying to keep my balance while I kept getting bigger.”
Amber looked at her in shock. “You had to do all of that on your own?”
“Well, I had Marko, but yes, that was the reason that the Yaluthu came. They heard our pain. How did the Citadel reps all get here?”
“They are trying to set up a Citadel on Possitt II. Given their behaviour today, we aren’t going to allow that. This behaviour was unhinged, and with a very talented population, we believe in decorum and that does not involve attempting to arrest a guest before they are greeted.”
Someone served a large teacup to Mel and a smaller version to Amber. Amber poured for both of them. “You actually were thinking of smashing Addy into the floor?”
“If she attacked me, yes. Nothing unprovoked.”
“I must say, I thought you would be leaping over tall buildings.”
“Ves figured out I may get a little over-enthused, and this outfit has what is basically a set of resistance bands in it. If I move too freely, it pulls back. It also stops me from being faster than a locomotive.”
Amber grinned that she had caught the reference. “Wow. That confirmed it.”
“I know, I don’t look Terran.”
“Your features are, but your body sayssmash.”
Mel giggled, and Whee and Marko chuckled. “It feels that way sometimes, but I just want things to get to my new normal.”
“You aren’t there yet?”
“I have only had Whee for a few days. I am feeling better; I have stopped growing. Now I can find out what this body can do, but Ves continues to taunt me with images of him. Physical him is back on the station, and a different version is out making me a home on one of Vendar’s worlds.” She grinned. “Apparently, I was a surprise.”
Amber smiled. “Just as I was for my husband. Well, less of a surprise and more of a custom modification that came with extras.”
“When are you due?”
“Two more months.”
“Your husband isn’t here?”