Mel sat with them and stroked Whee as Marko encouraged Pohloh.
When the Yaluthu had finished their enormous meals, Marko brought out a round nut and nudged it with her beak. Soccer began on the table, and the Yaluthu were fun to watch.
The days flew by, and then, the much larger Yaluthu were on her shoulders, with Marko protectively wrapping a wing around Pohloh.
They stood on the ramp of the shuttle and walked out to Possitt II, and Mel stood straight as she faced the gathered crowd of angry Citadel personnel.
She laughed at the man approaching her with heavy cuffs.
“Melora of Terra, you are under arrest for the abduction and diversion of two Yaluthu.”
She grinned and extended her hands. He blinked and snapped the cuffs on her wrists. They barely fit. Chains dangled from them, and there was the hum of energy.
“Aw, is that supposed to keep me cuffed? How adorable.”
Two of the Citadel members flanked her and tried to grab the Yaluthu. “I would not recommend that.”
Whee was vibrating with fury, as was Marko and Pohloh.
“So, where is my trial to be held?”
The Citadel staffers looked at each other.
“Well, you have made accusations and are claiming ownership of the free symbiotic beings that Yaluthu are known to be. They are protected by the Citadel, not controlled, and definitely not owned. They choose their partners, and these two little maniacs have chosen.”
Addy walked forward next to another Terran woman in Possitt formal wear. The raptor on her shoulder looked at Whee and Pohloh and then began to shriek happily.
Addy’s expression was stunned. “You are kidding.”
Her buddy chirped and chortled happily then flew over to Mel and rubbed up against his offspring, and Whee chattered angrily, muttering. It flew around and talked to Pohloh, and the little one and Marko chewed him out.
Addy blushed. “I am so sorry, Mel. Let me get those cuffs.”
Mel shrugged and just brushed the cuffs off. “Bondage isn’t my thing.”
Addy stared. “You weren’t cuffed.”
“Yes, I was. Until I didn’t want to be. Molecular density is a fun toy.”
The Possitt Terran came forward. “Melora, I am so sorry about this. Ves contacted me because he thought you would like to meet with another Reset.”
“Yes, I can see how well that is working out for me. Rumble, go back to Addy. She needs you now because she can feel the fuck-up washing over her.”
Addy blushed. “I...”
“Didn’t believe I was human? Didn’t believe that I was in pain? You don’t have sole ownership of agony. The Yaluthu go where they can do the most good, to the people who need them. Rumble says that he fought your niece and was mad at her for being close but not right, so he knew. Why did you believe his judgment and not that of the littles?”
Whee made a noise that sounded like a raspberry.
Addy blinked. “I didn’t know they could make that sound.”
Mel smiled. “They are learning from a freaking parrot. They are going to be talking in a few days. They are already three times as heavy. These babies are prepping for heavy gravity. Their offspring will be heavy gravity Yaluthu.”
The woman wearing the dress and the circlet said, “Hiya, Mel, I am Amber. I set up tea before the Citadel asked to greet you when you landed.”
Addy stood, and her eyes flickered wildly. “Oh shit.”
Mel walked toward Amber, and Addy was in the way.