Page 43 of Pirate By Parrot

“The files I can gain on the Yaluthu indicate that they are empathetic healers who bond and then assist their companion as the Yaluthu continues to their mature state.”

“What is their mature state?”

“Something similar to Marko.”

“Ohh. That would be why she thought they were her babies, though she did give Whee up easily.”

“Marko has carried her youngling into your quarters and is teaching it to grip a stand. It is doing very well.”

“I think we are going to make a united front. Marko! Bring the baby.”

Marko flew in a moment later with her little one clinging to her leg sideways. Mel bit her lip to stop her laugh as Marko landed on her right shoulder, and the little one snuggled in next to her. Well, they were as ready as they were going to be.

Ves sighed. “I am making the connections through as many relay stations as I can. They are serious. They are furious.”

“Right. Start the call.”

A human face with a raptor on her shoulder was glaring at her. “Who are you, and why did you steal Rumble’s babies?” The woman frowned. “And why are they a different colour now?”

“Is Rumble your Yaluthu?”

“Yes. Those are his fluffles.”

“My bird, Marko, brought them to the shuttle. I must say, since Whee has been with me, I feel better than I did since leaving Earth.”

The woman stared. “Earth?”

“Yes. I am a reset Terran. It’s part of a project run by our avatar and the Nyal Imperium. I have been set for heavy gravity and have been feeling very isolated.”

The woman’s fury faded. “You called it Whee?”

“It climbs me and slides down my arm. Marko’s little one is Pohloh.”

The woman smiled. “I see. Got it. Well, my name is Addy, and I am normally in charge of Citadel Iratho. I was out to Rai to pick up a staff member, but she is down on the surface.”

Mel smiled. “Annabelle. She’s getting some therapy she desperately needs. She wasn’t going to be able to face the bill the Citadel was going to give her for looking for her while she was in stasis after her torture.”

Addy smiled politely. “What?”

“We were notified that her Citadel wasn’t going to take her back without plenty of money, so we collected the reward for her safe return, and then, she got it, paid her bill, and headed down to Rai to figure out what she wants.”

Whee nuzzled her cheek and chirped in her ear.

Addy paused. “I am going to get to the bottom of that, but how tall are you?”

“Around nine feet. We have one more stop before I get to find out if my proposed partner is awake.”


“It’s a heavy-grav thing. So, they have already bonded to me and Marko, so I don’t know what we are supposed to do now.”

“Oh, right. They only bond if you are suitable and you have a need, and then their lifespan matches yours. What is your lifespan?”

“No clue.”

“Well, when you are stable, they are going to start eating a ton, then they moult, and after that, the fluffles show up. Each clutch is different, but they are self-propagating and don’t become pretty raptors like this until they have littles.”

“That is helpful. What do they eat? Marko is grinding up seeds and stuff for them.”