“Thanks for being a friend, even if you were a bit morose sometimes. You have cause.”
“Call Ves whenever you want to talk to me.”
Annabelle smiled. “I will. I have all the contact information.”
Mel smiled. “You need to let go now.”
Annabelle chuckled. “You caught that.”
“I did. You are safe; they will take care of you and help you to take care of yourself. If you find a guy, remember that they frown on premarital sex here.”
Annabelle looked at her in shock. “I wouldn’t...”
“Never say never. Now, do what you need to do. I need to head back to Ves.”
Marko hopped over, and Annabelle whispered her goodbye when Marko replied,“Fuck off, bitch!”
“Right. Love you, too, Marko.”
Marko returned to Mel’s shoulder, and they began to walk cautiously through the retreat. Amethyst and Kyna came with them and walked them to the ship.
There were hugs, there were well wishes, and then Mel and Marko were in a slowly rising shuttle, heading back to the station to have themselves frisked and the shuttle examined for any contraband.
“Mel, there is a seamstress on six waiting for you. Annabelle wasn’t lying; she called ahead.”
“Is it okay for me to go?”
“It is. No problem. Go ahead.” Ves’s voice was calm.
She nodded and headed out with her companion while Marko was tense and vibrating as they moved through the station.
Marko flew off when Mel faced the seamstress and started laughing at what had been chosen for her. Hip scarves that would flutter in the breeze when she moved were made available in a lovely array of colours.
Two dress outfits were available, and they were both in a handkerchief style that exposed a lot of her skin but still looked lovely.
“Annabelle went overboard.” Mel turned from the left to the right to see herself.
The seamstress and weaver clacked her mandibles. “You are lucky in your friends.”
“It is a small collection, but yes, I am.”
“Lady Ageka has commissioned a kimono for you when you have completed your growth. Do you know when that will be?”
You have four more inches until you are done.
“I have four more inches until my growth is complete.”
“That is acceptable. I can work with that. Where will the work be sent?”
“Um, Vendari Station, I suppose?”
“Ah, you are heavy grav. That explains your restraint system.”
Mel smiled. “I guess it does. This is complete?”
“Yes. Change out of things and take the parcel. You can return to your ship feeling much more stylish.”
“Thank you, Madame K’vekna.”