Page 37 of Pirate By Parrot

Kyna was blushing. “Interesting talent.”

“I have always known when folks were pregnant, but now, I can hear it.” She slipped her robe on and carried the folded kimono and sash. “So, where am I going? I need to say goodbye to Annabelle.”

Ageka smiled and then scowled as she saw the fabric in Mel’s grip. “Are our offerings not sufficient for you?”

“Lady Ageka, you are forgetting that I am still growing. This will be knee-high by the end of the week. That isn’t a good look, and you can use the fabric to clothe others, guests, anyone you like. It was pleasant to wear it, but as I am not finished yet, it would just take up space with clothing I cannot use. I am living at the grace of the Vendari Station and cannot fill space that isn’t mine.”

Ageka blinked, and understanding filled her gaze. “I believe I understand.”

“So, please, allow me to return this with my thanks for allowing me to wear it during my visit.”

Ageka sighed and accepted the folds. “Thank you for folding it properly.”

“You are welcome. It was very pretty, but I think it clashed with my hair or hands.”

The older woman laughed.

“May I say goodbye to Annabelle? I promised I would.”

“Of course. Please come with me. She is comfortable, fed, and in the meditation garden.”

“Good. I will be quick.”

She nodded to her lunch companions and said, “I will be right back.”

She walked with Ageka to the meditation garden where Annabelle was kneeling on a cushion on a wide, flat stone.

Marko launched and landed near Annabelle, squawking softly. The specialist opened her eyes and looked around. “Oh, are you going so soon?”

Mel stood waiting, and when Annabelle got up and walked over to her, she smiled at the hug. “Hey, you rest, get better, and find out what you want to do.”

“I will. You take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself.” Annabelle mumbled into her chest. “Let Ves take care of you, too. And eat the fucking fruit. Your PMS is terrifying.”

Mel laughed. “It always was. It’s where Marko learned half of her cursing.”

The hug got tighter, and she looked up at her. “I am going to set something up for your return to the orbital station.”

“I will be there in a few hours.”

“I can make a fast call. I think I know what you need to complete the outfit. Something to give it some pizzaz.”

“Wait. Clothing?”

“This will fit. Trust me. You are going to have to stare down a l’nal, though.”

“Oh. Big spider?”

“Very big. Your height, actually.”


“I will get Fade to help me with the contact or maybe Ageka.”

“If you like. Tell them to leave a message for Ves. He will let me know.”

Annabelle smiled. “Thanks for being a friendly face at a distance when I came out.”

“Thanks for not freaking out when I stood up.”