Page 36 of Pirate By Parrot

Ah, yeah. I hadn’t noticed you noticing that.

She smiled and stroked Marko’s side. “I think I should say goodbye to Annabelle and get my butt back in the shuttle.”

Kyna smiled. “You have an emotional attachment to the computer.”

“He looked up how to deal with PMS in a giant human. That is some niche research. I have a ton of fruit from Veth that has a lovely mood-boosting effect when I am feeling blue.” She smiled. “I think he is freeze-drying it to add to my morning tea.”

Amethyst laughed. “That’s a great feature.”

“Yeah, I am going to tell Liona about the powdered stuff. I had a friend who was a prepper and freeze-dried everything. It’s a nice way to sneak vegetables into everything.” Mel smiled. “Thanks for the meal and the conversation.”

Kyna said, “Do you want to stay overnight?”

“I would love to say yes, but crawling into a room where a bunch of beds have been shoved together to fit me doesn’t sound appealing.”

Kyna wrinkled her nose. “Right. I see what would happen there.”

“Plus, I need a blanket and a pillow. I am a fussy sleeper.”

Amethyst nodded. “Gotcha.”

Mel moved to her feet, and Kyna chuckled. “I wish I was that graceful.”

“When you grow up, you can be just like me.” Mel grinned.

She picked up the folded robe and looked at Amy. “Where do you want the kimono?”

“Keep it. It is our gift to you.”

“I am going to outgrow it even more in a few days. I am serious. It will be too small for me, and Marko doesn’t wear robes.”

She tugged at the sash, and the robe easily opened as if it was under strain. She slid the layers off her shoulders and folded the fabric over her arm.

“It has been lovely meeting you, ladies. Thank you for being so hospitable.”

Kyna smiled. “It was our pleasure.”

Amethyst smiled. “Come back for a visit whenever you like.”

“When things have settled and I can learn who I am again.” She gestured. “Or learn who this is. There is one thing: people are very nice to me. If that is a side effect I can control, I want to.”

“You don’t want people to be nice to you?”

“If it is a side effect of the Vendari genes, I want to control it. This is probably why they got in trouble to begin with.”

She shrugged. “There had to be a reason that other populations tried to stamp them out and succeeded.”

Amethyst blinked. “That would definitely make you feel some instability.”

“Yeah. All my life I have fought to keep my head above water, fought to make a place for myself in the world, but now, I wouldn’t even know where to start.” She shrugged. “Just when I feel I have gotten the hang of it, I grow again, have to balance again, and when I stumble, I hit the walls. Marko tried to catch me once, but she got a bit squished. So now, she just encourages me. I play lots of basketball back at the station.”

Kyna asked, “Where are you going next?”

“Possitt II. Yet another pregnant reset.” She smiled. “You look cute, Kyna.”

Kyna blushed. “How did you know? I am not showing.”

“You have two heartbeats but only one Terran heart, and a mid-belly beat isn’t a standard adaptation.” She smiled. “Liona is pregnant as well, but hers is going to take longer.”