Page 28 of Pirate By Parrot

“So, it was either take her with me, or her life would be over.”

“Oh, right. How old was she?”

“Close to fifty. This was a second chance for both of us. At least she’s having fun.”

Mel looked at her buddy, happily cracking nuts and chortling as she swayed from foot to foot.

Two more days to Rai.

Mel sat in an observation area and watched a full wall of stars flow by. She could see the occasional ship, and the kid in her felt like frantically waving like she had when a boat passed under any bridge that she was on.

She sipped a cup of tea and leaned back as they approached the elaborate station.

Ves spoke softly. “Rai is guarded by a security screen, which means we can’t come and go as we like. They don’t have a Drai guarding the surface.”

“Right, so if I blow the customs interview, only Annabelle goes down.”

“Not even her. There will have to be appeals and requests.”

“Oh, so a lot is riding on me not blowing this.”

“Yes. Marko could be with you, but it isn’t recommended.”

She chuckled and sipped at the tea before saying, “Does she still qualify as a live being?”

“She qualifies as sentient technology.”

“Oh, cool. Is she bio-secure?”

“Yes, her feathers don’t come out, and the tech handles her waste. She is bio-secure.”

“Nice. One less question to deal with.”

She nodded. “Is this outfit appropriate?”

“Yes. There are outer robes if you wish to obscure yourself slightly.”

“That might be a good idea. I can go in disguised as an obelisk.” She chuckled. “I have spent my life not standing out and just doing my job, but now, I have no job, and I stand out just by standing up.”

“You sent your measurements to Ageka?”

“I did.”

“Good. A day at the retreat might be nice for you.”

She paused. “I am not staying, am I?”

“If the retreat allows, you can stay a few days.”

“Oh. Right. That won’t be uncomfortable at all.”

Ves said softly, “It will be fine, Mel. The Rai are very polite.”

“Yeah, politeness can disguise a lot of things. Manners can cover a lot of hostility.” She asked the room at large, “Why am I out here again?”

“To become a mate of a member of a high-gravity species with specific characteristics.”

“Oh, yes. When is that going to kick in?”