Page 27 of Pirate By Parrot

“Are you sure? I think you could benefit from a good soak, maybe a solid massage.”

Mel chuckled. “I don’t think I fit most of your equipment and certainly not your personnel.”

“Well, consider it. Send us your measurements so that we can have materials on hand to make a robe for the retreat. We already have Annabelle’s measurements.”

“My measurements are changing, so it is difficult to guess where they will be in a few days.”

Ageka nodded. “Fine, but send them anyway. I will put authorization for landing in your vessel through to the station. A guardian may come on board to accompany you to the surface, and any deviation from your landing site will be met with aggression. Do you understand?”

Mel asked, “Ves?”

“Yes, absolutely. We will comply with all stated zones.”

Ageka nodded. “Good. We don’t normally allow foreign vessels on our soil, but we have been told it is considered a medical device for you.”

Mel nodded. “You are not wrong. I am completely dependent on the vessel and the mind that drives it.”

Ageka nodded again. “I will put the authorizations through. I look forward to meeting you and seeing if you are as tall as you look.”

“I am. Do not doubt that, Lady.” She finished the fruit and went to wash her hands.

Annabelle continued her conversation and discussed her issues so that there would be minimal males at the start of her treatment.

Mel returned from the lav and smiled. “Getting excited to be back in the Imperium?”

Annabelle nodded. “I want to run around on soil. I want not to be afraid all the time. It isn’t much, but it’s what I want.”

“I want that for you, too. I also want you to stop travelling with the circus freak. You deserve a chance to live your life without someone looking behind you and asking questions.”

Annabelle sighed. “You aren’t a freak. You are just tall. The rest of you is perfectly proportioned. Generously but perfectly. You are taking it too seriously.”

“I am stuck in this for life, so I am taking it very seriously.”

Annabelle blinked. “They can’t undo it?”

“It was always a one-way trip.” She sighed. “To be frank, I told the avatar back home that as long as things were over, whether I died up here or died at home, I just wanted things to happen fast. I got my wish.”

The specialist blinked. “Right. Did the fruit work?”

“It lifted my mood. I don’t feel like jumping out an airlock right now.”

“That’s good.”

“I think so. I also tried something Liona recommended. At least I know where my limbs are at any given time.” She smiled.

Ves called out for the meal, and they headed back to the dispenser area. Everyone got their meal, and Mel got her two. Marko was happily eating seeds and cracking nuts, ignoring the raw vegetables that had been prepared.

Mel ate with one hand and held the vegetables for her buddy. When Mel held them, the vegetables were eaten.

Annabelle smiled. “Does she eat noodles?”

“Yes. Noodles are tomorrow’s snack.”

Annabelle laughed. “How long have you had her?”

“She was with my brother, and when he died fifteen years ago, she came to me. My nephew is out of town, and she scares the hell out of my niece’s church group.”

Annabelle started laughing. “Oh, yeah, I can see that.”