There was another pause. “I am sorry. You should have had help adapting, but there were issues of logistics.”
“Yes, I am sure that will make me feel better about the situation.”
She sat back. “Does Imbolt know about this? Alyla?”
“The celestial consciousness knows; their daughter does not.”
“Okay, that is better. I am going to have a chat with Gaia about this. I am pretty sure that Minerva is going to be pissed as well.”
“You are going to tell them?”
“I am a daughter of Gaia. She held my hand and told me everything would be all right. It is not all right. I am alone, and I am scared, and if it weren’t for Marko, I would be inconsolable.”
“Is this a hormone problem?”
“It doesn’t help, but instead of making me mad, it just makes me sad.” She rubbed the back of her neck.
“I do not wish you to be sad.”
“I don’t either, but here we are.” She sighed. “I am going to the gym.”
“We will be at Rai in two days. You will need to go for an interview on the station.”
“Customs check. They want to make sure you aren’t going to disappear into the population. You also have to explain how you came to be in possession of a lost Citadel member.”
“Oh. Right. I will practice being calm with a polite smile.”
Mel headed to the gym, and without invoking Ves, she dialled up some music and decided to give Liona’s advice a try. She moved to the mats, started to slide her feet, and moved slowly in dance patterns that she remembered from her misspent youth. When the ethnicity of the music shifted, Mel began to rock her hips while keeping her upper body still. That was tricky, but her balance felt better after she had moved around to the music.
When the classic ballet started up, she tried a pirouette and staggered to catch her balance, but she did it again and again until she could spin.
It was a solid hour later, but the endorphins had started doing their work, and Mel felt herself smiling. She felt lighter as well. She knew how far she could spin without hitting the walls, and that bit of physical competence made her feel good. She was less clumsy after one hour, but she was going to feel it in the morning.
Marko flew toward her and dropped one of the fruits Annabelle had brought on board.“Eat it, bitch.”
Mel sniffed it and took a bite. It was a cross between dragon fruit and passion fruit to her senses. It tasted nice.
She was in better spirits, and the fruit was boosting her mood tremendously. She returned to the common area and smiled at Annabelle, talking to the retired guardian of Rai who managed the retreat. A room would be waiting as soon as Annabelle arrived, and she could begin treatment with the local therapists at the retreat.
Mel smiled. Annabelle looked hopeful, and that was a very good thing.
Annabelle glanced her way and smiled wide. “Lady Ageka, this is my friend, Melora. She and I are the same species.”
Mel walked into view of the camera. “Good day to you, Lady.”
The shock was obvious. “You are the same species?”
Mel nodded. “I am from the same program that made your Lady Kyna.”
“Snow bunny? You are the same as her?”
“Different medical conditions but same general result. I don’t look like Annabelle here. She is what our species most looks like in height and body type. Pigments vary wildly.”
Ageka looked at her carefully. “Are you coming for an evening?”
“No, ma’am. I don’t think I would fit in at the retreat.”