There was the hiss of atmosphere as the rear of the shuttle opened so Mel could get out. Annabelle stepped out in her Citadel robes as Marko jumped onto Mel’s shoulder. They walked out, and the dragon opened a claw, showing a golden woman with dragon wings that moved into a familiar position that made Mel smile.
Annabelle rushed to the Drai female and introduced herself.
“Lady, it is an honour to greet you.”
The woman arched her brow and looked at Annabelle. “You are not the Reset.”
“No. I am a volunteer who was kept in stasis.”
“I am glad you have survived, but I need to speak to the... holy shit.”
Mel walked up and crossed her arms. “Goliath was my favourite.”
The lady grinned. “Hello, I am Liona. Full-body cancer patient.”
“I am Melora, Mel. Lung cancer and emphysema from secondhand exposure in the service industry. This is Marko. I think she has a crush on your husband.”
“Hot damn, that’s a tall drink of water.”Marko chortled.
The dragon gave her a look.
Mel launched her. “Go make friends, but he walks on two legs, and the beast might be hungry, so stay out of snapping distance and speak Drai or common.”
Liona chuckled. “I have never seen... is the bird Terran as well?”
“She is. She has been remade a bit.” Mel made a face. “Should I sit or kneel?”
“I am good. Neevath isn’t as tall as you, but he’s about your chin height. As long as you aren’t trying to makeout with me, I am fine.”
Liona stretched and flexed her wings, unhooking them at the collar and stretching. “So, we are both majorly physically altered.”
She turned to Annabelle. “I am sorry, dear. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t have long to speak to Mel. She needs more intervention than you.”
Liona smiled. “You were eased into your change. I had it explained the whole way, and Neevath took over the details, mostly. He was very excited about the wings. She was made for a partner that hasn’t manifested. She’s experiencing something none of our kind have, and there is little time to enjoy it. She has been frantically adapting and doing what she could to keep on top of the changes.”
Annabelle cleared her throat. “I am going to go to the village for a bit. Ves will recall me when it’s time.”
“Excellent, dear, there are Guardians in town today. You might be able to talk shop with them.”
Mel was concerned. “Stick to the ladies. Men in the Nyal Imperium are a little forward, and you still need some help.”
Annabelle frowned. “I can manage.”
Mel looked at Liona. “So, you sound like you have been briefed.”
“I have. Zanican is freaked out that you are out here in this condition. No one has seen a Vendari in centuries, and the other species wouldn’t dare mess with you.”
“Ah. Right. So, armour-plated for convenience.”
“Social strictures. Vendari set themselves up as gods in a number of systems. How did you end up with this?”
“No idea. I was being changed into a Skevarik but woke up coloured like Marko’s before picture.”
“Ah. Well, at least you don’t have to learn about wings and how they work. My wing thumbs used to tangle a lot, and Neevath would just come up to me and unhook them with a smile. How long has your transformation been so far?”
“Um, three or four months? I had to do most of it at the Lunar Base, and then I was launched in an unmanned vessel. I can’t seem to get the hang of moving. I feel slower every day.”