Page 21 of Pirate By Parrot

“Oh, yes. Her linguistic skills are that of a four-year-old, but her cognition was boosted a lot when she went from green to silver.”

Annabelle looked at the silver parrot in astonishment. “I thought...”

“She’s not just a mimic. Never has been. No one is ever listening to the meaning behind her cursing. They just listen and laugh.”

“Shut up, bitch.”Marko rubbed heads with her. The words were softer.

Annabelle chuckled. “She’s saying you are always listening.”

“You are translating. Nice.” She chuckled.

Annabelle asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Empty. Hollow. Blanked out. But, otherwise, delightful. Hormones are rough. Going insane from the inside out. It hit me hard. I was out of practice.”

Annabelle smiled. “Suppressor shots are lovely, but I guess they have to wait until you stop growing to give them to you.”

Mel nodded. “Yeah, I was firmly in menopause when the avatar came to get me. Riddled with lung cancer. Not a lot of action on my side.”

Ves spoke cautiously. “You are ready to land on Veth?”

“I am ready to get in the shuttle. Landing is up to you, Ves.”

He seemed relieved. “Correct. Now, please get into the shuttle and strap in.”

“Strap on! Everybody, strap on!”Marko chortled.

“Oy.” Mel headed into the shuttle and smiled that it was made for her height and a little bit more.

They settled in, and the door sealed and pressurized. The vessel lifted off and glided through the energy screen that kept the station free of debris.

Annabelle smiled. “I love the idea of Resets.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. There were so many applications for the original volunteers that I don’t doubt some of you were left behind.”

Melora chuckled. “Is that what you think? I was shipped off to a war zone when my acceptance letter arrived. Another lady was too old when she applied. She was already outside the limits. We weren’t left behind; our applications were put on hold until there was a program to take us. Or until we were on the fine edge of death. Alyla told me all about it.”

Annabelle asked, “Who is Alyla again?”

“The daughter of Minerva-Gaia, the avatar of Earth, and a black hole named Imbolt-Zanican. Alyla is great. Her dad is running most of the Resets to their new placements, but no one was headed out this way, so I was delivered by unmanned transport.”

Annabelle blinked. “Oh, right.”

Marko squawked,“Dark and cold.”

Mel shrugged as they could see the stars ahead of them and the station in the distance.

Marko muttered,“Make friends. Influence people.”

Mel chuckled. “Yes, Mom.”

Ves stated, “We have bypass authorization for the surface. The lady of Veth is waiting to greet you.”

He flew next to the station slowly. There was a chime, and then they began to move toward the surface.

Mel slowly exhaled and inhaled as they jostled through the entry to the atmosphere. They began a controlled descent, and Mel’s eyes widened as she saw a dragon in brick-red and gold flying next to them. Ves brought them down in a meadow near a small settlement, and the dragon settled next to them.