“According to your records, all the Vendari are dead, so that is like saying I am the only girl in the cemetery.”
“Arrangements have been made, Mel. Do not worry.”
Mel snorted. “I can worry if I want to. Marko even has started calling me a giant freak. It’s working on my nerves. And I can put up with her calling me a lot of crap.”
Ves clicked on and paused, “You are speaking the truth. Your companion has been blunt about her opinions.”
Annabelle said, “It isn’t that bad. A few of the male Citadel members are eight feet tall.”
“Based on the gap in my clothing, I grew four inches overnight... again. I don’t know when it’s going to stop, and I feel like seeing if my pituitary gland can be extracted.”
Ves said, “No, your maximum height will be achieved in a quarter of a metre.”
She grunted and nodded.
“You are going to get a foot taller?” Annabelle put her hand on Mel’s shoulder.
“Apparently. Wonderful.” Her head stayed in her hands. Mel sighed and said, “I am interfering with your workout. You should go, and do what you want.”
She smiled and stood, swaying a little.
“I don’t think this equipment will fit me. I am not trying to hustle you out of here.”
“No, it’s fine. I need to go to my room.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“No. If I didn’t know better, I would say this is PMS. I am all dark and moody.”
“Aren’t you neutralized?”
“Apparently not. Delightful. If anything would make me think twice about the reset aside from the height, it would be a period. I feel so lucky.” She got up. “I am going to check the med scanner just to confirm.”
Annabelle stood there, and Mel could hear talking voices behind her, so Ves was asking what the issue was.
She went into the medical space and settled into the scanner, keying in what she wanted to check. Mel lay back and waited for the scan, and when it finished, she looked at the results. “Of course.”
She was a day away from a period, and hers had never been gentle and polite.
“What are you seeing, Mel?”
“A menstrual cycle is going to knock me on my ass tomorrow. I thought I had a suppressor shot.”
“It was insufficient for your physical situation.”
“Oh. Delightful.”
“What do you need?”
“A dark room, chocolate, and a warm blanket,” she muttered. “Maybe a sad movie.”
“Will you be able to meet with the avatar of Veth?”
“Probably. Why would I need to?”
“Because his mate is another Reset.”
She felt her eyes burning as negative emotions swamped her. “I will be ready at the time. Just give me some quiet time.”