“Back atcha, Marko.”
Chapter Four
MEL HAD BREAKFAST WITHMarko, and Annabelle walked in, looking around. “This place is huge.”
Mel grinned. “You know, your house and your pets start to look like you after a while.”
Annabelle chuckled. “So, you turned into Marko?”
“Clever. Breakfast is set up. Just press the big blue button.”
“Thank you.”
Annabelle pressed the button, and there was a loud chime as the dispenser sent out the tray.
Mel kept eating as Annabelle staggered over. She grinned as the tray slid onto the table, and Annabelle hopped up onto the chair. “I feel like a fucking toddler.”
Mel shrugged and kept eating. “Eat your oatmeal like a good girl, and maybe, we can go for a walk when you are done. Or do you need a nap?”
“Hah. You are funny. You know I can see up your nose, right?”
Mel spluttered and put a hand over her face as the aforementioned nose provided an exit for her breakfast. “Ow.”
Annabelle laughed and snorted as she watched Mel struggle.
It was the start of an interesting day.
The ship was astonishing. It looked like a manta ray but was tall enough for Mel to move in easily.
Ves said, “Clothing has been created for both of you and is in your quarters. Food for Marko and rations for both of you for a minimum of three months, and a pressure tank is available for Mel when she needs a break from the suits she’s wearing. Are you ready to travel?”
Mel looked around and found her bed ready for her long limbs. “Yeah, I guess we are. Are we going straight to Rai?”
“The Alliance has requested that we make a short stop at Veth so you can meet another Reset.”
“Veth? Who is the Terran?”
“Identity is Liona Kix, mate to Neevath, the Drai Avatar.”
“Wow. They are telling you everything.”
Ves chuckled. “I am a trustworthy station. Now, everyone to their takeoff seats. We are going to leave the station.”
Marko flapped to the front of the vessel with its twenty-foot ceilings and settled in a half-egg pod lined with some kind of soft backing.
Mel found the large chair, and Annabelle set herself in the smaller one. They buckled in, and Ves said, “Route currently is Veth, Rai, and Possit Two.”
Mel paused. “Why stop at all those places?”
Ves chuckled. “They all have a Reset Terran.”
Mel grinned. “Freakier than me?”
“That is why we are stopping at Veth first. Liona has had extreme changes, and it will do you good to see someone who has settled into her transformation.”
Mel asked, “Alyla’s suggestion?”