Page 13 of Pirate By Parrot

Annabelle chuckled. “So, you are actually human.”

“I was. My alterations were a little more physical and less psychic. Marko was adjusted to fit my new size. I was supposed to be a mail-order bride of sorts, but no one wants me, and then Marko is claiming that she selected my current colouration. I am the same colours she used to be.”

Marko fluffed herself up.

“If you would like to go to the com room, I can take you there, but don’t freak out if I stand up.”

“I can’t promise,” Annabelle said.

Mel shrugged and stood. Annabelle gasped. “Holy shit!”

Mel smiled. “Yeah. Big girl problems. So, come this way, please.”

She led the way through the ship, and Annabelle flew behind her. “So, were you in training to be a guardian?”

“No. I was a hired bodyguard, but my last client sold me. It got ugly for a year, and then, it was decided that I was too much trouble. They passed me around and finally sold me with my spotted history over and over again.”

“I just want to give you a hug.”

“That would be good. The first year was... horrifying.”

“Oh. Shit.”

“String ‘em up. Cut their balls off.”

Annabelle chuckled weakly. “So, the parrot understands?”

“The parrot and I are linked, so I can see what she sees if I try, and when we were talking, I had images come to mind, and Marko interpreted those.”

“Marko? I thought you said it was a girl.”

“Marko was named decades before she came into my care, and I had no reason to believe it wasn’t a he.” Mel grinned even though Annabelle was behind her. “That is also where the language was acquired.”

“Filthy bitch!”

Annabelle chuckled. “Got it.”

They entered the com room, and Ves was already dialling the Citadel. Annabelle perched in the Mel-sized chair and waited.

“So, how far out are we?”

“The ass end of the Nyal Imperium. This station was set for a gravitational force of five. Like Jupiter plus.”

Annabelle looked around warily. “What happened?”

“Ves welcomed a guest, so I am in a suit to keep me together. Marko doesn’t care because she has transcended protein-based feathers.”

Ves spoke. “The ladies insisted that we bring you on board.”

Annabelle swallowed. “That is the station?”

“Yeah. Sounds kind of sexy, but he’s too much man for me.”

Ves clicked open his mic, paused, and said, “Mel, you have to stop flirting with me.”

“Why? It’s a fun hobby.” She didn’t mention that her food had gotten exponentially better since she started.

The screen sprang to life, and a Citadel logo filled the screen.