“Horizontal and very cold.”
Mel looked at Marko. “Scan the ship, and tell me what you find.”
Marko settled on Mel’s shoulder and started to flap excitedly.
“Marko has detected a Terran life sign. I am detecting Citadel insignia. If I bring it on board, it will be crushed.”
Mel paused. “Can I go out?”
“I don’t have a suit for you yet.”
“Can Marko?”
Marko screeched and flew for the cargo bay.
“Uh, I hope you let her out because it does not look like she is gonna stop.”
Ves stated, “I am opening a hole in the screen.”
Mel headed for the cargo area where her tube still was and watched through the display that Marko projected as she screamed for entry to the vessel, and the door opened. As the ship rotated, the gouge on the other side of the ship showed that it had seen some rough events, and there was no atmosphere in the vessel.
The sarcophagus-like pod wasn’t Alliance issue. The markings on it were written in some kind of marker or pen. It appeared to be pricing.
“Ves, were they selling it?”
“Her. Designation female. Citadel specialist by the insignia on her robes.” Ves paused. “If she can be brought inside, I can arrange a lighter gravity for her. You will have to wear a pressure suit. Your body will have difficulty after an extended period of time in lighter gravity without it.”
“Great. How long until I get the suit?”
“One has already been prepared in anticipation of your need to walk with your own kind.”
“Cool. Where is it?”
Ves paused, and Mel grinned. His pauses were like a deep sigh. “The medical bay. That is where the extruded suit is.”
She skipped all the way to the med bay and mentally thanked Marko for her nagging during workouts. Three weeks and three days in and she was moving around like it was her natural habitat.
“Wow. I like the suit.”
“Thank you. It is attractive as well as functional.”
She grinned and stripped, pulling the shirt with the net and webbing on before pulling on the leggings. The two items nearly met in the middle, and that was good enough for her.
“Activate it. Clip the top to the sides. Press the icon on the front.”
There was a distinct hum as the suit powered up. “Wow. Very nice, Ves.”
“Thank you, Mel. I gained inspiration from your favourite clothing and crossed it with the need for the compression field. It is powered off your body heat.”
“Nice. Lord knows I am hot with all this density involved. Oh. Boots.”
“Marko has expressed your interest in them.”
She deactivated the suit, put the boots on, and reactivated it.
“You have the hang of it. The gravity field is being reduced to tolerable levels for your species.”
“Nice. I do feel a little lighter. When are you bringing the ship in?”