“I am getting my nails done.”

“How did you disappear to the sensors? I had to use financials to find you.”

“I learned hide and seek before I could walk.” She smirked and watched as the talons were finished.

A final hardening, and she was ready to go.

“Now, I am getting my hair fixed. It’s a little dry, and they are going to be nice to it before I lose the ability to explain myself again.”

“You think you are going to lose it?”

“He doesn’t think much of my intellect, but he likes my body. He will leave. His beast wants to visit, but I don’t know where I will be.”

Mbrak paused. “Why do you say that?”

“Because I can feel everything, and I am going to be possessive very soon. She’s eager to put down roots, and we studied the star charts nearby and have found some empty worlds where we can begin our lives together.”

Mbrak growled. “I wanted you protected.”

She smiled cheerfully. “I know, but as soon as he withdraws his link, I am going to go primal, and then, you need to get my ass out the airlock.”

“I don’t think he will.”

“I think so. He’s an emperor of a consortium of worlds; I am a very basic female. I am only good as a pet, and I will not be a pet. Well, not before I consume my handler.”

Mbrak nodded. “So, you are getting yourself pretty before you go?”

“Yes. One day to fix the things that have been bothering me.”

“You are leaving today? Your cousins will want to throw you a party.”

She snorted. “No, they won’t. They will exhale in relief. I am uncomfortable to be around, and I don’t want to make them uncomfortable anymore.”

“Did they say it?”

“No. I can feel it. The surface of their minds gets tense when I am there. They try and finish sentences for me and treat me like I am a child. I want to go back to where things are simple life and death, and my beast wants to build a house, and I know how to do it, so we have a project.”

They walked to the hair side of things, the groomers at work on a variety of clients.

Mbrak frowned. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I would rather your memory of me be me able to communicate freely and not clutching my clipboard for comfort and reminders.”

“I thought that it was cute, and I meant everything on that board.”

She smiled and settled in the chair when her stylist was ready. “I know, and I appreciate it, and when I find a proper mate and have little ones, I will bring them here to meet you if you don’t mind.”

Mbrak smiled. “You want a family?”

“I have problems with speaking and crowds. My uterus is fine. Yes, I have always wanted kids so that I can make an effort to teach them all the things I was missing when I grew up. Or my mate can, and I can just stay as a drake. They don’t need to talk and are good at defending.”

Mbrak paused. “You plan to live as your drake?”

“Yes, it will be less complicated.”

He sighed, and she settled in for the bonding treatment to protect her hair. He patted her hand. “Let me know before you go. Please.”

“Of course, boss.” She smiled and gripped his hand with hers before relaxing for possibly the last hair treatment of her life. After this, it was stars and scales.