“Oh, my. This is quite the situation.”
He squeezed her. “Do you like it?”
“It looks wonderful.”
“Good. This was my home and where I always return.”
“Do you have any family here?”
He chuckled. “You could say that. While my parents are no longer with me, the descendants from my numerous siblings are. They are the kings and queens of the worlds around us, and I guard them.”
She chuckled. “It seems that the urge to care for others is a failing in our union.”
He grinned. “Or its greatest strength. Now, would you care to fly across our world?”
“Of course, Orwon. Don’t forget about tracing the egg. I am fixated.”
He nodded and wrapped his arms around her, spreading his wings and taking flight. “Of course you are. I would be as well.”
She grinned and looked at the world beneath her as he flew them, and the locals cheered and called greetings as they passed. Nanitha waved, and Orwon held her close. He wanted to show her her new world, and she had no objections.
* * * *
Six years later.
Nanitha landed with Orwon next to her. They had dropped to the surface, but their shuttle was waiting in low orbit.
“Are you sure?” she muttered as they walked through the valley.
“I am positive. Out of the ninety-three drakes questioned, this was the most likely spot. So, let’s just ask.” He kept a hand on her back, and they walked along the path until they were standing in front of a neat house which sported a lovely garden with waterfalls and a wall to keep out predators. The front gates were currently wide open to let the sun in, and a couple were working together, talking softly.
The couple looked up, and Nanitha froze. Orwon kept his hand on her back and continued their approach. “Excuse me, but we have some questions regarding a drake egg abandoned a few centuries ago in the Nyath sector.”
The woman with the mint green hair gasped, and the man with the crystal hair and opal eyes looked hopeful. He whispered, “We were coming home and under attack. The egg was lost.”
Nanitha whispered, “It was found, and the shell was used for currency. The occupant survived but took longer to mature.”
There was silence, and she lowered her hood. “Hi!”
The woman gasped, and the man smiled, but his eyes were shining. “Hi. We didn’t think you made it, or we would have gone back for you.”
“I am stubborn. Oh, I am Nanitha, and this is my mate, Orwon.”
Orwon smiled. “She is the devourer, and I am the dark star.”
They looked at each other and smiled. “Would you care to come inside? There is a lot to talk about.”
Nanitha paused. “May I have a hug first? I have really gotten into hugging.”
The woman wiped her hands on her apron and then blew fire on them. “I thought you would never ask. Come here, baby.”
It was the same gentle fire Nanitha had used on Abil.
Nanitha walked forward and hugged her mother, the drake. Her father wrapped his arms around her, and she felt the dragon in the Nekkordan.
“Oh. Oh! You are having a little one.” Her mother leaned back.
“Not so little. Due in two months.” She smiled and rubbed her belly.