“Oh, I am sure you will rise to the occasion.”

She held his head as she moved against him. “It seems as if you have already done the hard work.”

He chuckled. “This situation has been steady since I first saw you.” He put his head between her breasts and licked and sucked at each as he slowly moved down her body.

She threaded her fingers through his hair as he slid into the juncture of her thighs and settled in to sample her until she was softly whimpering until she whined and arched as her body throbbed under Orwon’s careful tongue.

He pressed his mouth to her thigh, and she felt a sharp stab that made her jump. She felt suction, and her head dropped back to the pillow. He drank for a minute, and then, he slowly moved up her body, pressing into her deliberately.

She gasped and met his gaze; no time for blushing as he sank into her; she had to respond. As they moved together, he rolled to his back, and she was bracing herself on his chest and figuring out what her body wanted.

When her rhythm was established, she stretched her arms skyward and let her hair tumble around them both. Orwon’s eyes glowed, and she continued to rock against him.

The next release came with his lower appendage writhing inside her and the dark tattoos gripping her thighs.

She sighed and lowered herself over him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “Well, I am guessing that this is the answer to my query of if you will be my mate?”

She giggled and nipped at his chest. “Let’s see how the next century goes.”

“Or first pregnancy.”

“Yes, whatever comes first, we will make it official.”

He grinned. “Well, you will be coming first if I have anything to say about it. It makes you taste so sweet.”

“Is that why you drank?”

“Yes. You may feel the urge yourself later. I will oblige and give you everything at my disposal.”

Nanitha smiled and put her chin down on his chest. “Where are we?”

“The centre of my home solar system. Mlaken Four.”

“How big is the system?”

“Twenty-three planets and I am depending on you to help me keep them in order.”

She smiled. “That is a nice reasonable number.”

“Do you think so?” He caressed her back and hips.

“Absolutely. Do you think we can take a short trip to find where my egg was found?”

He grinned. “Of course, my lady. Do you want to get dressed and see your new world?”

“No, and yes.” She eased off him, flicked her shape twice, and dismounted to the floor.

He sat up, and she was able to appreciate all of the glorious dark lines that wrapped him and mimicked the dark star he was named for.

He grinned. “You have a fast recovery.”

She chuckled. “Apparently. Now, come and show me your world, and then, we can plot the stars to find out where I was laid.”

“I have never met another hatchling before. You are different from most other drakes.”

She grinned. “Is it the two-tail thing? I like the two-tail thing.”

He got up, his scales turned to clothing as he slid an arm around her and walked to the closed shutter. He pulled them open, and she saw a space full of creatures that flew, graceful stone buildings, and so many citizens walking and driving and flying in the distance.