“Whether the skin was or wasn’t, I have no idea, but I am pretty sure the moves were based on the original scans.”

“Oh, boy, this is going to be nice.”

Yorath looked to Orwon. “You have been warned that she is hunted.”

“I have been.”

Nanitha waved her hand at the emperor. “My other form is the size of a world-killing asteroid. I will be fine.”

They all blinked as if they had forgotten.

She laughed. “Everyone forgets that. It’s why the ships get so close. They look away and forget.” She shrugged. “I am not sure which of my genes has that effect.”

Yorath smiled. “The drake. For years, it was thought that all drakes were dragons, but it turns out that dragons are rare while drakes outnumber them one hundred to one. They are just more successful in breeding. Dragons are far more charming than drakes are.”

Abil smirked. “Must be the wings and smoother necks so someone can ride them.”

Yorath leaned over, and she turned pink.

Nanitha chuckled and looked out one of the windows to see the polished dance floor being arranged under the open sky.

Her performance was drawing nigh, and then, it was time for Abil to finish the wedding night with her husband. Nanitha’s duty was done. Abil was all grown up.

The sun was high, and the plants Nanitha had put at the corners of the dance area were in place. She began to dance with the plants rustling and thumping to a beat only they knew, but they were sharing with those around them.

She slid her feet, held out her arms, and twisted, feeling the vines from the plants moving with her. She moved, twisted, and focused on the beat, ignoring Orwon’s hot gaze on her.

Her dance lasted ten minutes, and those who had seen it were silent as she stepped from the stage. She kissed Abil on the cheek and whispered that she would be back soon.

Orwon got to his feet, nodded to the dazed Yorath, then wrapped his arms around Nanitha, and took to the sky in a single bound.

When they landed, he shifted into his drake form and opened his mouth. She stepped inside, and he carefully closed around her before lunging skyward.

She felt the change as they left the atmosphere and then cruised away from ships and planets until he could open a portal that would take them to his home.

When he landed again and opened his mouth, she was surprised. It was her home. She stepped out of his mouth and cleaned herself off with a rapid shift.

He changed form and said, “You wanted answers. This is where you will find them.”

The temple up the hill had a serene garden and bright light everywhere.

Nanitha exhaled and started the long walk up the hill. Orwon was next to her the entire way.

The older couple came out, and she saw that they were drake-born but not drakes. All the potential and none of the activation. She nodded as she stood in front of them. “Mother, Father, I have questions.”

Her parents clung together, and her father said, “Ask.”

“Why did you sell me to Zenim and Arken? Why didn’t you help me when I said I needed to run, that he was hurting me? Why didn’t you make him wait until I was an adult?”

Her parents stared, and her father began to sob. Her mother swallowed. “We are not your parents.”

“I know that, but you were my guardians. Why did you just hand me over to that bastardy nightmare?”

She looked at them, and her mother straightened. “They threatened to put us off world. We didn’t have anything left over to start again.”

“I could have helped you.”

Her mother nodded. “You did. We got enough funds from selling you to set up this temple to the drake ancestors, and this is now how we live.”