“I will smile when Abil is in front of me, and I will probably cry.”

He laughed, and they left her home and locked the gate behind them.

The wedding began at dawn.

Chapter Eight

Nanitha entered herlittle girl’s chambers while Orwon went off to help with the flowers. Half a dozen maids followed and helped Abil get up and bathe for her big day.

Abil looked around, and her gaze locked on Nanitha. “Nanny?”

“I thought to dress up in my best for your big day.”

“Oh, you are gorgeous.” Abil gushed.

“I get that a lot. It’s why this is only for special occasions. Now, hold still; you have a smudge.”

The maids went after it, and Abil was soon clean, brushed, and ready to be wrapped in soft cloths and put on a comfortable chair while food and beverages were provided.

Nanitha smiled and looked at the dress that was waiting. “You will be a lovely bride, but that is only to be expected. I raised you right.”

Abil laughed. “It must have been eating all those herd beasts.”

“Yup, for a healthy mane and coat or whatever.”

Abil snickered, and they kept the banter up until she was dressed and the jewels Yorath had sent over were provided. They made Abil’s eyes sparkle and weighed her down in case she was going to make a run for it.

“Are you ready?”

Abil looked at her and smiled. “Yes. I am.”

Nanitha took her hand and led her out of the room, down to the main gardens where the ceremony was being held.

Yorath and Orwon were waiting, along with her great-grandparents. Nanitha walked her charge to her fiancé and helped her to kneel.

She moved behind and to the side, kneeling on her own.