“Yes. That sounds reasonable. Good night, and thanks again.”

He inclined his head. “Sleep well, Nanitha.”

She nodded and headed to her own bed. She had four hours of sleep to cram in before she put on her own face again. That was nerve-racking in and of itself.

She showered, left the room wrapped in a towel, and looked at her wedding day dress on its stand. It wasn’t really a dress; it was a pretentious set of handkerchiefs, but that was what passed for wedding wear on this world.

Nanitha breathed in deeply and exhaled, taking on the shape she was born with. Her hair rippled to her knees in a soft silver waterfall, her eyes were sparkling opal, and her skin had a glossy iridescent sheen.

She put the gold clothing on, and her back was exposed and the rest of her was covered with the delicate silks that moved around her slowly. The light slippers concealed her toes, and she twirled once to let her hair and dress settle, and then, she put on her jewels.

Nanitha left her room and headed downstairs to make breakfast in her full regalia.

She made some tea, toast, fruit, and eggs. She didn’t have any breakfast meat on hand, but it was ready when Orwon came down for breakfast.

He froze. “You are Nekkordan.”

She smiled. “It is the ears, right? The big pointy ears?”

He nodded. “And the eyes. The eyes of brightest opal.”

“Oh. Yes, I suppose that is what made me a collectors’ item.”

Orwon walked up to her and looked her over. “I have never seen one of your kind up close.”

“Well, you are close now. Sit your ass down and eat, or I switch back into my other form.” She smiled. “No more eye candy if you don’t eat.”

He grinned. “You already ate?”

“Yes. Now, eat, and we can get you dressed for the wedding and head out.”

He winked, and his clothing shifted into a silk sleeveless tunic and dark trousers. His hair smoothed, and she noted that his markings covered his arms. Her heart thudded in her chest at the sight.

She mentally fanned herself and had to turn away, putting everything back into its proper place.

“You live here alone?”

“Yes. The house that had the children is more centrally located.”

“Do they know what you look like?”

“No. They know the form I wore yesterday. They will understand this one when I introduce myself or they see me with you. Either one will get the point across.”

He finished his breakfast, and she cleaned up the plates and cups and put them away.

Orwon stood up and was bristling with power. “You are stunning, Nanitha.”

She smiled. “I know. That is all I heard from the brothers. I haven’t worn this form since I ran from them.”

“I hope I never give you cause to run from me.” He walked to her and slowly wrapped her in an embrace.

“I hope so, too. I know how to manage myself now.” She held onto him. “I just had to grow up.”

He inhaled deeply and sighed happily. “You smell like you now. It’s wonderful.”

“Thank you. Today is a trust exercise. Make sure that there is no reason for me to take off on my own, but either way, I am still going to talk to my parents. They have a lot to answer for.”

Orwon nodded. “I will be careful. Now, smile for the bride. It’s her big day.”