“Follow me in every form. I was egg-hatched and transformed first when I was two hundred. This form has taken getting used to, but right now, I am very pleased to be here.” He lifted her hand to his lips for a kiss.
“How old are you?”
He smiled. “Five hundred to your three hundred fifty years.”
“Wow. That isn’t common knowledge.”
“You flew through the stars for three hundred years. Everyone knows of the devourer.”
“Ah. What quaint names they give a person.” She ducked her head. “Time stops meaning anything.”
He nodded. “That is true. However, with you, I want every moment to count.”
She looked at him, startled. “You just met me.”
“You passed through my system on your great journey. I watched you help a foundering vessel to get moving, cleared a path for them through the asteroid belt, and got them back on their way.”
Nanny frowned. “Where were you?”
“Curled up in the dark star, having a nap.”
“Oh. Oh! I know where that was.”
“You should. You left munch marks all over the system.” He chuckled. “I was enthralled with a female of such appetites, but there was no way I was going to put my smaller self in your path. You looked hungry and irritated.”
“I was filling in.”
“I know. I feel honoured you stopped to sate yourself in my territory.”
She blinked at him. “You are saying something under the words.”
“Absolutely.” He chuckled. “How many forms do you have?”
“Twenty-five or so.”
“That is... many.”
“Ten of them are bipeds. Five are bipeds with wings. The rest are dragons or drakes.”
“What is your most comfortable form?”
“Oh, my original biped form.”
“The one you are in?”
“Oh, no.”
He blinked. “No?”
“My eyes stay the same, but this form is more approachable than my other one.”
“Abil recognized you.”
“She recognized my eyes. She never saw my original form.”
“May I see it?”
“Today? Now? I don’t think it would be a good idea.”