Abil laughed, and Mal grinned. “Have a seat, Your Imperial Highness. I will bring the display pieces out, and you can choose what you like or ask for changes. They will be ready in a few days.”
Nanny munched more fruit and handed Abil the occasional slice as the soon-to-be empress made a list of all her cousins on the station and chose presents for them all.
* * * *
Abil looked at thetotal on the list, and Nanny put the fruit and small knife away and said, “Right, Mal. You know we are going to be making sure that those minerals are all high quality and correct. I will spit them out on your doorstep if you try and undercut the quality.”
“Of course, Madam Nanitha. Your discerning taste is not in doubt.”
Nanny grinned at Abil. “I chewed up some sub-standard samples and melted them in the shop of Gabiette, two doors down. I have a bit of a reputation.”
Mal shuddered. “Right. Well, thank you for your patronage, Your Highness. The balance will be charged to Madam Nanitha’s account when it is delivered.”
“How long?”
“A week? A few pieces on your list are in stock with the others. I will confirm the purity of the metals and then proceed.”
Abil stood as Nanny did, their tea set left behind. Nanny looked at Mal. “Get to work.”
He laughed. “Yes, Madam.”
Abil smiled. “That was fun. How much more time do we need to kill?”
“Three more hours. We are heading to the fabric merchants. Brace for more tea.”
Abil giggled. “Okay.”
They stormed the fabric merchants and the leather merchant, and by the time all of the orders were placed, they were out of time and on their way to the palace once again.
They were laughing and giggling, having gotten more than tea at the leather merchants, but it had led to some hilarious choices for her cousins. Mbrak was just going to shake his head.
Nanny chuckled. “You know if they are wearing these outfits, they are going to be gone in the first shift.”
“Yes, but they will be pretty when they dive out the airlock, and that counts for something.” Abil smiled.
Nanny laughed, and they giggled their way past security who eyed them warily, and they snickered as they continued to the dining room where Yorath was waiting for them.
He caught Abil and said, “Oh, dear. Imbibing with the merchants?”
She beamed. “We did fun stuff and bought fun stuff for my cousins.” Abil looked up at him and smiled. “You’re pretty.”
He blinked and then grinned. “Thank you, Abilathara.”
Abil frowned. “Now you say it to me.” She punched his arm.
He barked a laugh. “You are gorgeous, little one. A little drunk but gorgeous.”
He swung her into his arms and said, “Lady, please come with us.”
Abil waved at Nanny over Yorath’s shoulder. He was shaking with amusement, but it wasn’t mean. She could feel the difference now. A servant held a chair for them, and she smiled brightly at them, and they smiled in return.
Nanny moved past them and had to sit at the far end of the table. Abil frowned and turned her head, seeing six new faces that were looking at her with amusement. Well, five were looking at her in amusement, and one was looking at the place where Nanny was propping herself up on her elbows with her hands supporting her face.
Abil chuckled.
Yorath smiled. “This is taking a strange turn. I thought to introduce you to more of your relatives, but it seems you imbibed a little.”
Nanny raised a fist in the air and shouted, “More shopping,” before subsiding back into her previous position.