They giggled, and Yorath had a soft smile as he watched them. “Well, ladies, you might need to go to the market. There are a whole bunch of drakes that are due in my territory, and you need not be here when they arrive.”
Abil frowned. “When can we come back?”
“Dinner. Give me six hours to get the drakes settled. You two are causing unprecedented interest, and as Abil is mine, the attention will fall on you, Nanitha.”
Nanitha grinned. “I can deal with that.”
Abil nodded. “I will smite anyone who irritates her.”
Yorath chuckled. “My precious one, you are going to be busy.”
Chapter Six
Nanny looked aroundand said, “So, what do you want to buy? I have tons of currency. Literally.”
“I think I want to buy things for my cousins. Can we do that?”
“Sure. Let’s head to jewellers’ row.”
Abil smiled and linked arms with Nanny as they eased through the crowd of locals.
They stopped for fruit, and then, they were in the jewellery section.
Abil looked at Nanny. “I can buy anything I want?”
“Of course. I am acting as your family here, as Mbrak did on the station. We are your family. This is part of your dowry, and gifts for the family are often included.”
“Well, then, I should do the socially normal thing.” Abil took a deep breath and began looking into the shops while Nanny munched on sliced fruit.
Abil looked at her friend after the eighth shop. “Help.”
Nanny grabbed her and hauled her into the shop they were looking at. “Mal, this is my little cousin and your future empress, Abilathara. She is looking for gifts to send back to her cousins, and I just know you are going to provide the best.”
Mal straightened, and his skin darkened with grey and silver over his cheekbones. “Of course. Jeweller to the new empress is a heady thing.”
Nanny sliced another piece of fruit and took a seat on one of the couches. “Then, don’t fuck it up.”