Abil listened and then said, “As soon as she marks Zenim’s back the same way he marked hers. Her tail has a fin, so she isn’t going to follow up on other assaults.”

Arken flinched. “Thank her, please. He will take the damage.”

Zenim’s eyes flared open in panic.

Abil and Yorath walked over, and Abil looked into Zenim’s eyes. “Just the same marks on your back that you left her with. It was the marks on a young woman, a young drake, and she went into open space with her scales shredded and her wings broken. I am sure that you, being a big, strong male, can manage the same. It might take a decade to a few centuries for you to regain your biped form, but that should be fine. You don’t have much use for young ladies, so the cooling-off period should be fine. Enjoy celibacy. Oh, and in case you feed off Arken’s conquests...”

Abil turned toward Arken and raised a hand with bright claws. She pulled it down his face and then exhaled into his skin, scarring it. “There we go. Less pretty.”

Arken touched his face and staggered back. Zenim rose, Nanny marked his back, and he grabbed his brother, and they flew up and out of the atmosphere.

Nanny shook her scales and shrank back into her ladylike garments. “Not what I had expected when I saw them, but it was satisfying. I hadn’t considered that Arken shared emotions with him. It let him look pure and delve into pain together.”

Yorath sighed and wrapped his arm around Abil’s waist. “Well, that was unexpected. It is a good thing that I have called in reinforcements. Nanitha, what are you doing for dinner?”

“I am guessing I will be back at the palace. Why?”

“Well, we are about to have lunch, and perhaps you could take Abil for a walk in the city. I trust you to keep her safe.”

“High praise.” Nanny smiled.

“Let’s consider things over lunch, and I can give you a few shops to visit to increase her gem collection.”

Abil asked, “What will you be doing?”

“Calling Arken’s and Zenim’s parents and letting them know what their nasty little offspring have been up to. What did you blow in Arken’s face, Abil?”

“Diamond dust mixed with hard carbon.” She shrugged. “And some lemon juice from the tea for fun. He looked pretty, but he was worse than his sibling.”

Nanny nodded. “Seeing them together with my mind solid, I see it now. A youngling couldn’t.”

Abil blinked. “How young were you?”

“Fifteen. It was legal on their world.”

Yorath bristled with fury. “What? I will skin those bastards myself. I wasn’t aware you were so young.”

She grimaced. “I am eventually going to take their territory and set their population free.”

Abil said, “If you kill them, their territory will become your prison.”

Nanny shrugged. “You could still come and visit if you liked.”

Yorath shook his head. “They are about to be stripped of their territory and banished.”

“What?” Nanny stared at him.

“We needed a witness who wasn’t afraid to speak against them. All you need to do is recount your experiences with them and what they put you through. Are you willing?”

Nanny smiled. “As soon as we finish lunch.”

Yorath nodded. “Right. Shall we, dear one?” He offered Abil his wrist, and they walked back to the court.

Nanny followed behind and easily hefted the box she had brought for them, walking back to the royal quarters. Abil looked behind and watched the grinning Nanny following her. It felt good to have family again.

They sat around and ate, and then Nanny went to the terminal and saw the faces of a number of elder drakes and two dragons. She gave her testimony of all interactions with Arken and Zenim, including her recent sitting on and scarring them.

A female said, “May we confer with Yorath?”