He started laughing again.
Chapter Five
The maids swarmed herand put her into a court casual dress, commenting on the hairstyle that Nanny had pinned in place.
Abil stood, and when Yorath came to take her hand, she beamed and said, “These clothes are heavy.”
He smiled. “They are formal so that anyone who sees you will know who you are.”
“Why does that matter?”
“Because I want you to have an easy time here. It is important that you feel at home here.”
She put her hand on the back of his offered wrist and walked with him to the throne room.
The gathered folks got quiet as he led her through the crowd and the path they created. He walked up the dais with her and settled her in the large chair next to his.
He smiled. “Now, we sit and gifts for you are delivered.”
Abil blinked. “How did they know?”
“The lights on the palace, the landing lights, and the glowing green and silvery dragon that landed on our soil.”
She smiled. “Ah, that was a good indicator. Has Mbrak been told I have made it safely?”
“He has and is looking forward to a call. I have spent the last two years learning what I could about your family and compiling it for you.”
She blinked. “That is very sweet.”
“I can be very sweet.” He kissed her cheek, and she felt the flick of a tongue and realized she was crying.
Abil leaned into his touch, and when she was calm again, the gift-giving began.
Yorath lifted his fingers, and a shimmering sound rang through the room.
The woman who sashayed up first had a bright smile and familiar eyes. She carried a chest and handed it over to the two guards who were there to receive it. The chest thudded to the ground when the lady backed up. “Sorry, I work out.”