“It was my social exposure that took the worst hit. My speech is spotty.”
“It seems fine to me.”
“Yorath linked that part of his mind to mine, including the language and protocol portion.” She smiled. “He is giving me a very slow download of what to expect.”
Nanny smiled. “That is good. Slow is good.”
Abil looked at her and sent a link to her mind. She felt heat and pain and embarrassment.
Nanny looked up. “You were always interested in learning, little one. I am sorry it was such dark subject matter.”
“So, you really—we really live for hundreds of years?”
“Yes. If you are in your other form, time passes slowly for you and rapidly for the worlds around you. It is amazing to mourn a decade when you thought you were just stopping to let your wings repair.”
Yorath came back and looked worried. “Arken and Zenim will be here for the festivities.”
Nanny smiled. “You might want to propose, Yorath. She doesn’t know she’s getting married yet.”
Yorath paused. “Mbrak mentioned that she would not assume, but I am thankful her beast brought her here. You don’t seem worried about the two I mentioned.”
Nanny laughed. “I had to take a shuttle in so that I would not disturb your gravitational systems. I was not joking when I said I ate my way through the stars. I am huge. Zenim will not be able to bully me again, but I will haul him outside of your gravitational system before I kill him.”
“You would kill another drake?”
“If he tries to hurt me again... absolutely. I taught Abil to defend herself when cornered, and I do not expect her to react in any other way.”
“Drakes don’t kill each other.”
“And yet, out of the five percent of female drake deaths, mate murders are the cause. It is always the biped form that does the killing, and the beast goes mad.”
Yorath frowned. “He attacked you?”
“Twice. I didn’t run out of maidenly sensibilities; I ran wounded and desperate. I sought the stars, and they gave me comfort.” She sighed. “I will return to my quarters in the city.”
Abil jumped to her feet. “Stay.” She reached out and clutched Nanny’s hands.
“I am staying until your wedding, little one. I will return here if the palace sends an invitation. Don’t worry about Yorath. He doesn’t move fast, but he moves in the right direction.”
Abil looked at her and smiled as she understood. “Got it.”
Nanny hugged her, and the familiar scent wrapped around her. “Have fun, and make this world your own, little one.”
Abil chuckled. “Three hundred forty-seven thousand.”
“That’s my girl. Don’t worry. I will be here if you need me.”
Yorath blinked. “What is that number?”
“The amount of people within the city and castle.” Abil smiled. “They will be part of my collection, and I will protect them.”
Nanny kissed her forehead. “Good girl.”
Yorath asked, “You showed her how to do that?”
“She was born to be a collector, auditing and counting all things around her.” Nanny stroked her cheeks. “She knows what is hers at a glance.”
Abil looked toward Yorath and blushed. That was the problem. She knew.