She caught the first piece, and it disappeared at her touch. She grabbed the next and the next as they drifted toward her, and it disappeared as well. Necklaces, tiaras, bracelets, and belts all dissolved at her touch.
Her drake knew what they were for, and when the last of the offerings were absorbed, she transformed.
Her wings were wide and batlike, and she slowly began to stroke through space, using the heat from distant stars to move her body and navigate.
It was wonderful, and she knew the path she was taking as clearly as if she had flown it a thousand times. Her drake took her through the stars with joy and hope.
Chapter Four
Yorath had his pilotsshadow her as her drake flew in a familiar path. He got the message from his beast, and he grinned. He sighed. “Make a portal. They are heading home.”
“Your Majesty?”
“Take us home, pilot.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” The pilot set coordinates and opened a portal.
The dainty drake would be home in a few days. It would allow him time to prepare.
* * * *
Abil was enjoying thejourney and the small portal jumps. They stopped now and then to consume more minerals on asteroids that were floating past. The world the drake was taking them toward was bright and filled with cities, but one, in particular, caught her attention. A huge building festooned with lights and a runway of sorts was gleaming in the darkness.
The drake followed the path and banked, landing on her claws as her wings slowly folded. She shook her body and looked at the crowd that had formed.
She huffed and looked toward the doorway. Abil wondered what she was looking for and sent the offer of more travel and adventure.
The drake mentioned rest and recovery before more adventures.
“It has been interesting waiting for you, Abil.” The voice rang out, and Abil looked through the drake’s eyes.
Yorath was wearing formal robes made of heavy embroidery and was stalking toward her. His crown gleamed in the reflected light, and she remembered who he was.
The drake bowed low.
“Don’t you dare bow to me.”