“Mine. My drake likes to fly with his.”

“So, your drake really came out? I thought that was just a rumour.” Viida chuckled.

“No. She came out. Mbrak ordered me off the station as it came out. I will go tonight.”

“You are talking a lot.”

“My mind finds the words are closer right now.” She paused and gripped Viida’s wrist. “Can you make sure that he is all right? I would hate for my influence to have injured him.”

“Mbrak won’t let another of his kind come to damage here. He’s already headed down. Now, where do you want to go?”

“Well, there is no delaying it. I suppose I should head to the first cargo bay. It is time to go. I would apologize for my awkwardness, but I had no control over it and did all I could to fit in. I am sorry that it didn’t work, cousin.”

Viida paused. “You want to go to the cargo bay?”

“Yes. I am going to fall through the magnetic shielding, get far enough from the station to shift, and then let my drake take me on adventures.”

“What about him?” They got into the lift and hit the cargo level.

“No words, no promises, nothing that he hasn’t done a thousand times with hundreds of different women.” She sighed. “My drake got that from his drake. While she is wanted, I am disposable. So, I will see what the worlds have to offer.”

“Does he know?”

“I left his mind cycling in the scenario for eleven hours. He doesn’t know if he has feet right now. His guards will watch over him until he is ready to leave the station or choose another bride. Mbrak has a bunch of us, and only a few work in the entertainment unit.”


“There are dozens of us here. All descended from Mbrak and his carefully chosen brides over two thousand years ago.”

Viida softly asked as they started toward the cargo area. “How do you know that?”

“A drake told me long before I came here. He sent her to guard me until someone came, but she was injured and could not shift to human. The drake guarded me and taught me. When the mining company sent their exploration units, she told me what to take and how to build. I learn through images and physical action. That is not what the teaching is here.”

Viida asked, “A drake raised you?”

“Yes. Her wings were damaged in the same meteor storm that crashed my family’s vessel.”

“How can you speak now?”

“Yorath touched his mind to mine, and it gave me focus. Don’t worry, my focus is shifting, and I am losing the ability to form the next sentence.”

Viida walked her toward the area with the shielding, and she triggered the first of three security doors. “I am sorry it has been hard for you.”

She nodded and kept walking as Viida hit the second door lock. Her skin was glowing, and her drake wanted out.

Mbrak was standing behind the final door to the cargo area. “What happened?”

She struggled and said, “No words. No promises. I hurt him. Drake wants out. Link faded.”

He paused and sighed. “Of course, he would just make assumptions. Right. Little drake, go and enjoy the stars.”

She smiled and hugged him. She looked at the dress Yorath had bought for her and looked to Mbrak. “Return this and get him the money back?”

Mbrak nodded. “Of course. Fly well, little drake.”

She dropped the dress and took the steps toward the magnetic shielding, jumping through it and spinning into the stars, trying to clear the station and get to some more debris.

A shuttle cruised in close, and to her astonishment, it sent out a bundle of shiny metal and gleaming jewels. She looked at the shuttle, and it had the imperial markings.